import { z } from "zod"; import type { UpdateAppCredentialsOptions } from "@calcom/trpc/server/routers/viewer/apps/updateAppCredentials.handler"; import Paypal from "./Paypal"; const schema = z.object({ credentialId: z.coerce.number(), key: z.object({ client_id: z.string(), secret_key: z.string(), }), }); const handlePaypalValidations = async ({ input }: UpdateAppCredentialsOptions) => { const validated = schema.safeParse(input); if (!validated.success) throw new Error("Invalid input"); const { key } =; // Test credentials before saving const paypalClient = new Paypal({ clientId: key.client_id, secretKey: key.secret_key }); const test = await paypalClient.test(); if (!test) throw new Error("Provided credentials failed to authenticate"); // Delete all existing webhooks const webhooksToDelete = await paypalClient.listWebhooks(); if (webhooksToDelete) { const promises = => paypalClient.deleteWebhook(webhook)); await Promise.all(promises); } // Create webhook for this installation const webhookId = await paypalClient.createWebhook(); if (!webhookId) { // @TODO: make a button that tries to create the webhook again console.error("Failed to create webhook", webhookId); throw new Error("Failed to create webhook"); } return { client_id: key.client_id, secret_key: key.secret_key, webhook_id: webhookId, }; }; export default handlePaypalValidations;