import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import z from "zod"; import { IS_PRODUCTION, WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; class Paypal { url: string; clientId: string; secretKey: string; accessToken: string | null = null; expiresAt: number | null = null; constructor(opts: { clientId: string; secretKey: string }) { this.url = IS_PRODUCTION ? "" : ""; this.clientId = opts.clientId; this.secretKey = opts.secretKey; } private fetcher = async (endpoint: string, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => { await this.getAccessToken(); return fetch(`${this.url}${endpoint}`, { method: "get", ...init, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: `Bearer ${this.accessToken}`, ...init?.headers, }, }); }; async getAccessToken(): Promise { if (this.accessToken && this.expiresAt && this.expiresAt > { return; } const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${this.clientId}:${this.secretKey}`).toString("base64")}`, }; const body = new URLSearchParams(); body.append("grant_type", "client_credentials"); try { const response = await fetch(`${this.url}/v1/oauth2/token`, { method: "POST", headers, body, }); if (response.ok) { const { access_token, expires_in } = await response.json(); this.accessToken = access_token; this.expiresAt = + expires_in; } else { console.error(`Request failed with status ${response.status}`); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } // Orders async createOrder({ referenceId, amount, currency, returnUrl, cancelUrl, intent = "CAPTURE", }: { referenceId: string; amount: number; currency: string; returnUrl: string; cancelUrl: string; intent?: "CAPTURE" | "AUTHORIZE"; }): Promise { const createOrderRequestBody: CreateOrderRequestBody = { intent, purchase_units: [ { reference_id: referenceId, amount: { currency_code: currency, value: (amount / 100).toString(), }, }, ], payment_source: { paypal: { experience_context: { user_action: "PAY_NOW", return_url: returnUrl, cancel_url: cancelUrl, }, }, }, }; try { const response = await this.fetcher("/v2/checkout/orders", { method: "POST", headers: { "PayPal-Request-Id": uuidv4(), }, body: JSON.stringify(createOrderRequestBody), }); if (response.ok) { const createOrderResponse: CreateOrderResponse = await response.json(); return createOrderResponse; } else { console.error(`Request failed with status ${response.status}`); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return {} as CreateOrderResponse; } async captureOrder(orderId: string): Promise { try { const captureResult = await this.fetcher(`/v2/checkout/orders/${orderId}/capture`, { method: "POST", }); if (captureResult.ok) { const result = await captureResult.json(); if (result.body.status === "COMPLETED") { // Get payment reference id const payment = await prisma.payment.findFirst({ where: { externalId: orderId, }, select: { id: true, bookingId: true, data: true, }, }); if (!payment) { throw new Error("Payment not found"); } await prisma.payment.update({ where: { id: payment?.id, }, data: { success: true, data: Object.assign( {}, { ...(payment?.data as Record), capture: } ) as unknown as Prisma.InputJsonValue, }, }); // Update booking as paid await{ where: { id: payment.bookingId, }, data: { status: "ACCEPTED", }, }); return true; } } } catch (error) { console.error(error); return false; } return false; } async createWebhook(): Promise { const body = { url: `${WEBAPP_URL}/api/integrations/paypal/webhook`, event_types: [ { name: "CHECKOUT.ORDER.APPROVED", }, { name: "CHECKOUT.ORDER.COMPLETED", }, ], }; try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/v1/notifications/webhooks`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), }); if (response.ok) { const result = await response.json(); return as string; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return false; } async listWebhooks(): Promise { try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/v1/notifications/webhooks`); if (response.ok) { const { webhooks } = await response.json(); return webhooks .filter((webhook: { id: string; url: string }) => { return webhook.url.includes("api/integrations/paypal/webhook"); }) .map((webhook: { id: string }) =>; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); return []; } return []; } async deleteWebhook(webhookId: string): Promise { try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/v1/notifications/webhooks/${webhookId}`, { method: "DELETE", }); if (response.ok) { return true; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return false; } async test(): Promise { // Always get a new access token try { await this.getAccessToken(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); return false; } return true; } async verifyWebhook(options: WebhookEventVerifyRequest): Promise { const parseRequest = webhookEventVerifyRequestSchema.safeParse(options); // Webhook event should be parsable if (!parseRequest.success) { console.error(parseRequest.error); throw new Error("Request is malformed"); } const stringy = JSON.stringify({ auth_algo: options.body.auth_algo, cert_url: options.body.cert_url, transmission_id: options.body.transmission_id, transmission_sig: options.body.transmission_sig, transmission_time: options.body.transmission_time, webhook_id: options.body.webhook_id, }); const bodyToString = stringy.slice(0, -1) + `,"webhook_event":${options.body.webhook_event}` + "}"; try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/v1/notifications/verify-webhook-signature`, { method: "POST", body: bodyToString, }); if (!response.ok) { throw response; } const data = await response.json(); if (data.verification_status !== "SUCCESS") { throw data; } } catch (err) { console.error(err); throw err; } } } export default Paypal; interface PurchaseUnit { amount: { currency_code: string; value: string; }; reference_id: string; } interface ExperienceContext { payment_method_preference?: string; payment_method_selected?: string; brand_name?: string; locale?: string; landing_page?: string; shipping_preference?: string; user_action: string; return_url: string; cancel_url: string; } interface PaymentSource { paypal: { experience_context: ExperienceContext; }; } interface CreateOrderRequestBody { purchase_units: PurchaseUnit[]; intent: string; payment_source?: PaymentSource; } interface Link { href: string; rel: string; method: string; } interface CreateOrderResponse { id: string; status: string; payment_source: PaymentSource; links: Link[]; } const webhookEventVerifyRequestSchema = z.object({ body: z .object({ auth_algo: z.string(), cert_url: z.string(), transmission_id: z.string(), transmission_sig: z.string(), transmission_time: z.string(), webhook_event: z.string(), webhook_id: z.string(), }) .required(), }); export type WebhookEventVerifyRequest = z.infer;