import { shallow } from "zustand/shallow"; import { useSchedule } from "@calcom/features/schedules"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; import { useTimePreferences } from "../../lib/timePreferences"; import { useBookerStore } from "../store"; /** * Wrapper hook around the trpc query that fetches * the event curently viewed in the booker. It will get * the current event slug and username from the booker store. * * Using this hook means you only need to use one hook, instead * of combining multiple conditional hooks. */ export const useEvent = () => { const [username, eventSlug] = useBookerStore((state) => [state.username, state.eventSlug], shallow); const isTeamEvent = useBookerStore((state) => state.isTeamEvent); return trpc.viewer.public.event.useQuery( { username: username ?? "", eventSlug: eventSlug ?? "", isTeamEvent }, { refetchOnWindowFocus: false, enabled: Boolean(username) && Boolean(eventSlug) } ); }; /** * Gets schedule for the current event and current month. * Gets all values from the booker store. * * Using this hook means you only need to use one hook, instead * of combining multiple conditional hooks. * * The prefetchNextMonth argument can be used to prefetch two months at once, * useful when the user is viewing dates near the end of the month, * this way the multi day view will show data of both months. */ export const useScheduleForEvent = ({ prefetchNextMonth }: { prefetchNextMonth?: boolean } = {}) => { const { timezone } = useTimePreferences(); const event = useEvent(); const [username, eventSlug, month, duration] = useBookerStore( (state) => [state.username, state.eventSlug, state.month, state.selectedDuration], shallow ); return useSchedule({ username, eventSlug, eventId:, month, timezone, prefetchNextMonth, duration, }); };