# embed-core See [index.html](index.html) to see various examples ## How to use embed on any webpage no matter what framework See ## Development Run the following command and then you can test the embed in the automatically opened page `http://localhost:3002` ```bash yarn dev ``` ## Running Tests Ensure that App is running on port 3000 already and then run following command: ```bash yarn test-playwright ``` ## Shipping to Production ```bash yarn build ``` Make `dist/embed.umd.js` servable on URL ## DX - Hot reload doesn't work with CSS files in the way we use vite. ## Known Bugs and Upcoming Improvements - Unsupported Browsers and versions. Documenting them and gracefully handling that. - Accessibility and UI/UX Issues - let user choose the loader for ModalBox - If website owner links the booking page directly for an event, should the user be able to go to events-listing page using back button ? - Let user specify both dark and light theme colors. Right now the colors specified are for light theme. - Embed doesn't adapt to screen size without page refresh. - Try opening in portrait mode and then go to landscape mode. - In inline mode, due to changing height of iframe, the content goes beyond the fold. Automatic scroll needs to be implemented. - On Availability page, when selecting date, width doesn't increase. max-width is there but because of strict width restriction with iframe, it doesn't allow it to expand. - Branding - Powered by Cal.com and 'Try it for free'. Should they be shown only for FREE account. - Branding at the bottom has been removed for UI improvements, need to see where to add it. - API - Allow loader color customization using UI command itself too. - Automation Tests - Run automation tests in CI - Bundling Related - Comments in CSS aren't stripped off - Debuggability - Send log messages from iframe to parent so that all logs can exist in a single queue forming a timeline. - user should be able to use "on" instruction to understand what's going on in the system - Error Tracking for embed.js - Know where exactly it’s failing if it does. - Color Scheme - Need to reduce the number of colors on booking page, so that UI configuration is simpler - Dev Experience/Ease of Installation - Improved Demo - Seeding might be done for team event so that such an example is also available readily in index.html - Do we need a one liner(like `window.dataLayer.push`) to inform SDK of something even if snippet is not yet on the page but would be there e.g. through GTM it would come late on the page ? - Might be better to pass all configuration using a single base64encoded query param to booking page. - Performance Improvements - Custom written Tailwind CSS is sent multiple times for different custom elements. - Embed Code Generator - Release Issues - Compatibility Issue - When embed-iframe.js is updated in such a way that it is not compatible with embed.js, doing a release might break the embed for some time. e.g. iframeReady event let's say get's changed to something else - Best Case scenario - App and Website goes live at the same time. A website using embed loads the same updated and thus compatible versions of embed.js and embed-iframe.js - Worst case scenario - App goes live first, website PR isn't merged yet and thus a website using the embed would load updated version of embed-iframe but outdated version of embed.js possibly breaking the embed. - Ideal Solution: It would be to keep the libraries versioned and embed.js should instruct app within iframe to load a particular version. But if we push a security fix, it is possible that someone is still enforcing embed to load version with security issue. Need to handle this. - Quick Solution: Serve embed.js also from app, so that they go live together and there is only a slight chance of compatibility issues on going live. Note, that they can still occur as 2 different requests are sent at different times to fetch the libraries and deployments can go live in between, - UI Config Features - Theme switch dynamically - If user switches the theme on website, he should be able to do it on embed. Add a demo for the API. Also, test system theme handling. - How would the user add on hover styles just using style attribute ? - If just iframe refreshes due to some reason, embed script can't replay the applied instructions. - React Component - `onClick` support with automatic preloading - Shadow DOM is currently in open state, which probably means that any styling change on website can possibly impact loader. ## Pending Documentation - READMEs - How to make a new element configurable using UI instruction ? - Why do we NOT want to provide completely flexible CSS customization by adding whatever CSS user wants. ? - Feature Documentation - Inline mode doesn't cause any scroll in iframe by default. It more looks like it is part of the website. - docs.cal.com - A complete document on how to use embed - app.cal.com - Get Embed code for each event-type