import { z } from "zod"; import { handleErrorsJson } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { GetRecordingsResponseSchema, GetAccessLinkResponseSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { getRecordingsResponseSchema, getAccessLinkResponseSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import type { PartialReference } from "@calcom/types/EventManager"; import type { VideoApiAdapter, VideoCallData } from "@calcom/types/VideoApiAdapter"; import { getDailyAppKeys } from "./getDailyAppKeys"; /** @link */ const dailyReturnTypeSchema = z.object({ /** Long UID string ie: 987b5eb5-d116-4a4e-8e2c-14fcb5710966 */ id: z.string(), /** Not a real name, just a random generated string ie: "ePR84NQ1bPigp79dDezz" */ name: z.string(), api_created: z.boolean(), privacy: z.union([z.literal("private"), z.literal("public")]), /** */ url: z.string(), created_at: z.string(), config: z.object({ /** Timestamps expressed in seconds, not in milliseconds */ nbf: z.number().optional(), /** Timestamps expressed in seconds, not in milliseconds */ exp: z.number(), enable_chat: z.boolean(), enable_knocking: z.boolean(), enable_prejoin_ui: z.boolean(), }), }); export interface DailyEventResult { id: string; name: string; api_created: boolean; privacy: string; url: string; created_at: string; config: Record; } export interface DailyVideoCallData { type: string; id: string; password: string; url: string; } const meetingTokenSchema = z.object({ token: z.string(), }); /** @deprecated use metadata on index file */ export const FAKE_DAILY_CREDENTIAL: CredentialPayload & { invalid: boolean } = { id: +new Date().getTime(), type: "daily_video", key: { apikey: process.env.DAILY_API_KEY }, userId: +new Date().getTime(), appId: "daily-video", invalid: false, }; export const fetcher = async (endpoint: string, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => { const { api_key } = await getDailyAppKeys(); return fetch(`${endpoint}`, { method: "GET", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json", ...init?.headers, }, ...init, }).then(handleErrorsJson); }; function postToDailyAPI(endpoint: string, body: Record) { return fetcher(endpoint, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), }); } const DailyVideoApiAdapter = (): VideoApiAdapter => { async function createOrUpdateMeeting(endpoint: string, event: CalendarEvent): Promise { if (!event.uid) { throw new Error("We need need the booking uid to create the Daily reference in DB"); } const body = await translateEvent(event); const dailyEvent = await postToDailyAPI(endpoint, body).then(dailyReturnTypeSchema.parse); const meetingToken = await postToDailyAPI("/meeting-tokens", { properties: { room_name:, exp: dailyEvent.config.exp, is_owner: true }, }).then(meetingTokenSchema.parse); return Promise.resolve({ type: "daily_video", id:, password: meetingToken.token, url: dailyEvent.url, }); } const translateEvent = async (event: CalendarEvent) => { // Documentation at: // added a 1 hour buffer for room expiration const exp = Math.round(new Date(event.endTime).getTime() / 1000) + 60 * 60; const { scale_plan: scalePlan } = await getDailyAppKeys(); const hasTeamPlan = await prisma.membership.findFirst({ where: { userId:, team: { slug: { not: null, }, }, }, }); if (scalePlan === "true" && !!hasTeamPlan === true) { return { privacy: "public", properties: { enable_prejoin_ui: true, enable_knocking: true, enable_screenshare: true, enable_chat: true, exp: exp, enable_recording: "cloud", }, }; } return { privacy: "public", properties: { enable_prejoin_ui: true, enable_knocking: true, enable_screenshare: true, enable_chat: true, exp: exp, }, }; }; return { /** Daily doesn't need to return busy times, so we return empty */ getAvailability: () => { return Promise.resolve([]); }, createMeeting: async (event: CalendarEvent): Promise => createOrUpdateMeeting("/rooms", event), deleteMeeting: async (uid: string): Promise => { await fetcher(`/rooms/${uid}`, { method: "DELETE" }); return Promise.resolve(); }, updateMeeting: (bookingRef: PartialReference, event: CalendarEvent): Promise => createOrUpdateMeeting(`/rooms/${bookingRef.uid}`, event), getRecordings: async (roomName: string): Promise => { try { const res = await fetcher(`/recordings?room_name=${roomName}`).then( getRecordingsResponseSchema.parse ); return Promise.resolve(res); } catch (err) { throw new Error("Something went wrong! Unable to get recording"); } }, getRecordingDownloadLink: async (recordingId: string): Promise => { try { const res = await fetcher(`/recordings/${recordingId}/access-link?valid_for_secs=172800`).then( getAccessLinkResponseSchema.parse ); return Promise.resolve(res); } catch (err) { console.log("err", err); throw new Error("Something went wrong! Unable to get recording access link"); } }, }; }; export default DailyVideoApiAdapter;