import { Credential } from "@prisma/client"; import { Bits, Blocks, Elements, Modal, setIfTruthy } from "slack-block-builder"; const CreateEventModal = ( data: | (Credential & { user: { username: string | null; eventTypes: { id: number; title: string; }[]; } | null; }) | null, invalidInput: boolean = false ) => { return Modal({ title: "Create Booking", submit: "Create", callbackId: "cal.event.create" }) .blocks( Blocks.Section({ text: `Hey there, *${data?.user?.username}!*` }), Blocks.Divider(), Blocks.Input({ label: "Your Name", blockId: "eventName" }).element( Elements.TextInput({ placeholder: "Event Name" }).actionId("event_name") ), Blocks.Input({ label: "Which event would you like to create?", blockId: "eventType" }).element( Elements.StaticSelect({ placeholder: "Which event would you like to create?" }) .actionId("create.event.type") .options( data?.user? any) => Bits.Option({ text: item.title ?? "No Name", value: }) ) ) ), // This doesnt need to reach out to the server when the user changes the selection Blocks.Input({ label: "Who would you like to invite to your event?", blockId: "selectedUsers", }).element( Elements.UserMultiSelect({ placeholder: "Who would you like to invite to your event?" }).actionId( "invite_users" ) ), Blocks.Input({ label: "When would this event be?", blockId: "eventDate" }).element( Elements.DatePicker({ placeholder: "Select Date" }).actionId("event_date") ), Blocks.Input({ label: "What time would you like to start?", blockId: "eventTime" }).element( Elements.TimePicker({ placeholder: "Select Time" }).actionId("event_start_time") ), // TODO: We could in future validate if the time is in the future or if busy at point - Didnt see much point as this gets validated when you submit. Could be better UX setIfTruthy(invalidInput, [Blocks.Section({ text: "Please fill in all the fields" })]) ) .buildToObject(); }; export default CreateEventModal;