import { PeriodType, SchedulingType, UserPlan, EventTypeCustomInput } from "@prisma/client"; const availability = [ { days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], startTime: new Date().getTime(), endTime: new Date().getTime(), date: new Date(), scheduleId: null, }, ]; type UsernameSlugLinkProps = { users: { id?: number; username: string | null; email?: string; name?: string | null; bio?: string | null; avatar?: string | null; theme?: string | null; plan?: UserPlan; away?: boolean; verified?: boolean | null; allowDynamicBooking?: boolean | null; }[]; slug: string; }; const customInputs: EventTypeCustomInput[] = []; const commons = { periodCountCalendarDays: true, periodStartDate: null, periodEndDate: null, beforeEventBuffer: 0, afterEventBuffer: 0, periodType: PeriodType.UNLIMITED, periodDays: null, slotInterval: null, locations: [{ type: "integrations:daily" }], customInputs, disableGuests: true, minimumBookingNotice: 120, schedule: null, timeZone: null, successRedirectUrl: "", availability: [], price: 0, currency: "usd", schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE, id: 0, metadata: { smartContractAddress: "", }, isWeb3Active: false, hideCalendarNotes: false, destinationCalendar: null, team: null, requiresConfirmation: false, hidden: false, userId: 0, users: [ { id: 0, plan: UserPlan.PRO, email: "", name: "John Doe", username: "jdoe", avatar: "", hideBranding: true, timeZone: "", destinationCalendar: null, credentials: [], bufferTime: 0, locale: "en", theme: null, brandColor: "#292929", darkBrandColor: "#fafafa", }, ], }; const min15Event = { length: 15, slug: "15", title: "15min", eventName: "Dynamic Collective 15min Event", description: "Dynamic Collective 15min Event", ...commons, }; const min30Event = { length: 30, slug: "30", title: "30min", eventName: "Dynamic Collective 30min Event", description: "Dynamic Collective 30min Event", ...commons, }; const min60Event = { length: 60, slug: "60", title: "60min", eventName: "Dynamic Collective 60min Event", description: "Dynamic Collective 60min Event", ...commons, }; const defaultEvents = [min15Event, min30Event, min60Event]; export const getDynamicEventDescription = (dynamicUsernames: string[], slug: string): string => { return `Book a ${slug} min event with ${dynamicUsernames.join(", ")}`; }; export const getDynamicEventName = (dynamicNames: string[], slug: string): string => { const lastUser = dynamicNames.pop(); return `Dynamic Collective ${slug} min event with ${dynamicNames.join(", ")} & ${lastUser}`; }; export const getDefaultEvent = (slug: string) => { const event = defaultEvents.find((obj) => { return obj.slug === slug; }); return event || min15Event; }; export const getGroupName = (usernameList: string[]): string => { return usernameList.join(", "); }; export const getUsernameSlugLink = ({ users, slug }: UsernameSlugLinkProps): string => { let slugLink = ``; if (users.length > 1) { const combinedUsername = => user.username).join("+"); slugLink = `/${combinedUsername}/${slug}`; } else { slugLink = `/${users[0].username}/${slug}`; } return slugLink; }; export const getUsernameList = (users: string | string[] | undefined): string[] => { if (!users) { return []; } if (!(users instanceof Array)) { users = [users]; } const allUsers: string[] = []; // Multiple users can come in case of a team round-robin booking and in that case dynamic link won't be a user. // So, even though this code handles even if individual user is dynamic link, that isn't a possibility right now. users.forEach((user) => { allUsers.push( ...user ?.toLowerCase() .replace(/ /g, "+") .replace(/%20/g, "+") .split("+") .filter((el) => { return el.length != 0; }) ); }); return allUsers; }; export default defaultEvents;