import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; import { getHumanReadableLocationValue } from "@calcom/core/location"; import { getCalEventResponses } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getCalEventResponses"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { getTranslation } from "@calcom/lib/server"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { ApiKey } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { BookingStatus, WebhookTriggerEvents } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; const log = logger.getSubLogger({ prefix: ["[node-scheduler]"] }); export async function addSubscription({ appApiKey, triggerEvent, subscriberUrl, appId, account, }: { appApiKey?: ApiKey; triggerEvent: WebhookTriggerEvents; subscriberUrl: string; appId: string; account?: { id: number; name: string | null; isTeam: boolean; } | null; }) { try { const userId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.userId : account && !account.isTeam ? : null; const teamId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.teamId : account && account.isTeam ? : null; const createSubscription = await prisma.webhook.create({ data: { id: v4(), userId, teamId, eventTriggers: [triggerEvent], subscriberUrl, active: true, appId: appId, }, }); if (triggerEvent === WebhookTriggerEvents.MEETING_ENDED) { //schedule job for already existing bookings const where: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = {}; if (teamId) { where.eventType = { teamId }; } else { where.userId = userId; } const bookings = await{ where: { ...where, startTime: { gte: new Date(), }, status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, }); for (const booking of bookings) { scheduleTrigger(booking, createSubscription.subscriberUrl, { id:, appId: createSubscription.appId, }); } } return createSubscription; } catch (error) { const userId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.userId : account && !account.isTeam ? : null; const teamId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.teamId : account && account.isTeam ? : null; log.error(`Error creating subscription for ${teamId ? `team ${teamId}` : `user ${userId}`}.`); } } export async function deleteSubscription({ appApiKey, webhookId, appId, account, }: { appApiKey?: ApiKey; webhookId: string; appId: string; account?: { id: number; name: string | null; isTeam: boolean; } | null; }) { try { const webhook = await prisma.webhook.findFirst({ where: { id: webhookId, }, }); if (webhook?.eventTriggers.includes(WebhookTriggerEvents.MEETING_ENDED)) { const where: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = {}; if (appApiKey) { if (appApiKey.teamId) { where.eventType = { teamId: appApiKey.teamId }; } else { where.userId = appApiKey.userId; } } else if (account) { if (account.isTeam) { where.eventType = { teamId: }; } else { where.userId =; } } const bookingsWithScheduledJobs = await{ where: { ...where, scheduledJobs: { isEmpty: false, }, }, }); for (const booking of bookingsWithScheduledJobs) { const updatedScheduledJobs = booking.scheduledJobs.filter( (scheduledJob) => scheduledJob !== `${appId}_${}` ); await{ where: { id:, }, data: { scheduledJobs: updatedScheduledJobs, }, }); } } const deleteWebhook = await prisma.webhook.delete({ where: { id: webhookId, }, }); if (!deleteWebhook) { throw new Error(`Unable to delete webhook ${webhookId}`); } return deleteWebhook; } catch (err) { const userId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.userId : account && !account.isTeam ? : null; const teamId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.teamId : account && account.isTeam ? : null; log.error( `Error deleting subscription for user ${ teamId ? `team ${teamId}` : `userId ${userId}` }, webhookId ${webhookId}` ); } } export async function listBookings( appApiKey?: ApiKey, account?: { id: number; name: string | null; isTeam: boolean; } | null ) { try { const where: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = {}; if (appApiKey) { if (appApiKey.teamId) { where.eventType = { OR: [{ teamId: appApiKey.teamId }, { parent: { teamId: appApiKey.teamId } }], }; } else { where.userId = appApiKey.userId; } } else if (account) { if (!account.isTeam) { where.userId =; where.eventType = { teamId: null, }; } else { where.eventType = { OR: [{ teamId: }, { parent: { teamId: } }], }; } } const bookings = await{ take: 3, where: where, orderBy: { id: "desc", }, select: { title: true, description: true, customInputs: true, responses: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, location: true, cancellationReason: true, status: true, user: { select: { username: true, name: true, email: true, timeZone: true, locale: true, }, }, eventType: { select: { title: true, description: true, requiresConfirmation: true, price: true, currency: true, length: true, bookingFields: true, team: true, }, }, attendees: { select: { name: true, email: true, timeZone: true, }, }, }, }); if (bookings.length === 0) { return []; } const t = await getTranslation(bookings[0].user?.locale ?? "en", "common"); const updatedBookings = => { return {, ...getCalEventResponses({ bookingFields: booking.eventType?.bookingFields ?? null, booking, }), location: getHumanReadableLocationValue(booking.location || "", t), }; }); return updatedBookings; } catch (err) { const userId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.userId : account && !account.isTeam ? : null; const teamId = appApiKey ? appApiKey.teamId : account && account.isTeam ? : null; log.error(`Error retrieving list of bookings for ${teamId ? `team ${teamId}` : `user ${userId}`}.`); } } export async function scheduleTrigger( booking: { id: number; endTime: Date; scheduledJobs: string[] }, subscriberUrl: string, subscriber: { id: string; appId: string | null } ) { try { const payload = JSON.stringify({ triggerEvent: WebhookTriggerEvents.MEETING_ENDED, }); const jobName = `${subscriber.appId}_${}`; // add scheduled job to database const createTrigger = prisma.webhookScheduledTriggers.create({ data: { jobName, payload, startAfter: booking.endTime, subscriberUrl, }, }); //add scheduled job name to booking const updateBooking ={ where: { id:, }, data: { scheduledJobs: { push: jobName, }, }, }); await prisma.$transaction([createTrigger, updateBooking]); } catch (error) { console.error("Error cancelling scheduled jobs", error); } } export async function cancelScheduledJobs( booking: { uid: string; scheduledJobs?: string[] }, appId?: string | null, isReschedule?: boolean ) { if (!booking.scheduledJobs) return; let scheduledJobs = booking.scheduledJobs || []; const promises = (scheduledJob) => { if (appId) { if (scheduledJob.startsWith(appId)) { await prisma.webhookScheduledTriggers.deleteMany({ where: { jobName: scheduledJob, }, }); scheduledJobs = scheduledJobs?.filter((job) => scheduledJob !== job) || []; } } else { //if no specific appId given, delete all scheduled jobs of booking await prisma.webhookScheduledTriggers.deleteMany({ where: { jobName: scheduledJob, }, }); scheduledJobs = []; } if (!isReschedule) { await{ where: { uid: booking.uid, }, data: { scheduledJobs: scheduledJobs, }, }); } }); try { await Promise.all(promises); } catch (error) { console.error("Error cancelling scheduled jobs", error); } }