# ********** INDEX ********** # # - LICENSE # - DATABASE # - SHARED # - NEXTAUTH # - E-MAIL SETTINGS # - APP STORE # - DAILY.CO VIDEO # - GOOGLE CALENDAR/MEET/LOGIN # - HUBSPOT # - OFFICE 365 # - SLACK # - STRIPE # - TANDEM # - ZOOM # - GIPHY # - LICENSE ************************************************************************************************* # Set this value to 'agree' to accept our license: # LICENSE: https://github.com/calendso/calendso/blob/main/LICENSE # # Summary of terms: # - The codebase has to stay open source, whether it was modified or not # - You can not repackage or sell the codebase # - Acquire a commercial license to remove these terms by visiting: cal.com/sales NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT='' # *********************************************************************************************************** # - DATABASE ************************************************************************************************ # ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ DATABASE_URL got moved to `packages/prisma/.env.example` ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ # *********************************************************************************************************** # - SHARED ************************************************************************************************** NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL='http://localhost:3000' # Change to 'http://localhost:3001' if running the website simultaneously NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL='http://localhost:3000' # To enable SAML login, set both these variables # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/tree/main/packages/ee#setting-up-saml-login # SAML_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5450/cal-saml" SAML_DATABASE_URL= # SAML_ADMINS='pro@example.com' SAML_ADMINS= # If you use Heroku to deploy Postgres (or use self-signed certs for Postgres) then uncomment the follow line. # @see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/connecting-heroku-postgres#connecting-in-node-js # PGSSLMODE='no-verify' PGSSLMODE= # - NEXTAUTH # @see: https://github.com/calendso/calendso/issues/263 # @see: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_url # Required for Vercel hosting - set NEXTAUTH_URL to equal your NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL # NEXTAUTH_URL='http://localhost:3000' NEXTAUTH_URL= # @see: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_secret # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 32` to generate one NEXTAUTH_SECRET= # Used for cross-domain cookie authentication NEXTAUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN=.example.com # Remove this var if you don't want Cal to collect anonymous usage NEXT_PUBLIC_TELEMETRY_KEY=js.2pvs2bbpqq1zxna97wcml.oi2jzirnbj1ev4tc57c5r # ApiKey for cronjobs CRON_API_KEY='0cc0e6c35519bba620c9360cfe3e68d0' # Application Key for symmetric encryption and decryption # must be 32 bytes for AES256 encryption algorithm # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 24` to generate one CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY= # Intercom Config NEXT_PUBLIC_INTERCOM_APP_ID= # Zendesk Config NEXT_PUBLIC_ZENDESK_KEY= # Help Scout Config NEXT_PUBLIC_HELPSCOUT_KEY= # This is used so we can bypass emails in auth flows for E2E testing # Set it to "1" if you need to run E2E tests locally NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E= # Used for internal billing system NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PRO_PLAN_PRODUCT= NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PRO_PLAN_PRICE= NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PREMIUM_PLAN_PRICE= NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_FREE_PLAN_PRICE= # Use for internal Public API Keys and optional API_KEY_PREFIX=cal_ # *********************************************************************************************************** # - E-MAIL SETTINGS ***************************************************************************************** # Cal uses nodemailer (@see https://nodemailer.com/about/) to provide email sending. As such we are trying to # allow access to the nodemailer transports from the .env file. E-mail templates are accessible within lib/emails/ # Configures the global From: header whilst sending emails. EMAIL_FROM='notifications@yourselfhostedcal.com' # Configure SMTP settings (@see https://nodemailer.com/smtp/). # Note: The below configuration for Office 365 has been verified to work. EMAIL_SERVER_HOST='smtp.office365.com' EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=587 EMAIL_SERVER_USER='' # Keep in mind that if you have 2FA enabled, you will need to provision an App Password. EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD='' # The following configuration for Gmail has been verified to work. # EMAIL_SERVER_HOST='smtp.gmail.com' # EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=465 # EMAIL_SERVER_USER='' ## You will need to provision an App Password. ## @see https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833 # EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD='' # ********************************************************************************************************** # - APP STORE ********************************************************************************************** # ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ THESE WILL BE MIGRATED TO THE DATABASE TO PREVENT AWS's 4KB ENV QUOTA ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ # - DAILY.CO VIDEO DAILY_API_KEY= DAILY_SCALE_PLAN='' # - GOOGLE CALENDAR/MEET/LOGIN # Needed to enable Google Calendar integration and Login with Google # @see https://github.com/calendso/calendso#obtaining-the-google-api-credentials GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS='{}' # To enable Login with Google you need to: # 1. Set `GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS` above # 2. Set `GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED` to `true` # When self-hosting please ensure you configure the Google integration as an Internal app so no one else can login to your instance # @see https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849#public-and-internal&zippy=%2Cpublic-and-internal-applications GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED=false # - HUBSPOT # Used for the HubSpot integration # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/#obtaining-hubspot-client-id-and-secret HUBSPOT_CLIENT_ID="" HUBSPOT_CLIENT_SECRET="" # - OFFICE 365 # Used for the Office 365 / Outlook.com Calendar / MS Teams integration # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/#Obtaining-Microsoft-Graph-Client-ID-and-Secret MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_ID= MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET= # - SLACK # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/#obtaining-slack-client-id-and-secret-and-signing-secret SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET= SLACK_CLIENT_ID= SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET= # - STRIPE NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY= # pk_test_... STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY= # sk_test_... STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= # whsec_... STRIPE_CLIENT_ID= # ca_... PAYMENT_FEE_FIXED=10 # Take 10 additional cents commission PAYMENT_FEE_PERCENTAGE=0.005 # Take 0.5% commission # - TANDEM # Used for the Tandem integration -- contact support@tandem.chat for API access. TANDEM_CLIENT_ID="" TANDEM_CLIENT_SECRET="" TANDEM_BASE_URL="https://tandem.chat" # - ZOOM # Used for the Zoom integration # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/#obtaining-zoom-client-id-and-secret ZOOM_CLIENT_ID= ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET= # - GIPHY # Used for the Giphy integration # @see https://support.giphy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020283431-Request-A-GIPHY-API-Key GIPHY_API_KEY= # *********************************************************************************************************