With Dark Color Scheme for the Page Non responsive version of this page here Go to Prerender test page only Go to Preload test page only
Render All embeds together - It would be slow to load
Floating Popup

Popup Examples

Inline Embed Examples

[Dark Theme][Guests(janedoe@example.com and test@example.com)](Default Namespace)

You would see last Booking page action in my place

[Custom Styling]

If you render booking embed in me, I won't restrict you. The entire page is yours. Content is by default aligned center

[Custom Styling - Transparent Background]

If you render booking embed in me, I would not let you be more than 30% wide

[Team Event Test][inline taking entire width]

If you render booking embed in me, I would not let you be more than 30% wide

[Team Event Test][inline along with some content]

On the right side you can book a team meeting =>

Inline Routing Form

On the right side you can book a team meeting =>

Hide EventType Details Test

You would be able to test out conflicting themes for the same namespace here.

Note that one of the embeds would stay in loading state as they are using the same namespace and it is not supported to have more than 1 embeds using same namespace

Test Month View

Test Week View

Test Column View