import { Credential, SelectedCalendar } from "@prisma/client"; import _ from "lodash"; import { getCalendar } from "@calcom/app-store/_utils/getCalendar"; import getApps from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import { getUid } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import notEmpty from "@calcom/lib/notEmpty"; import type { CalendarEvent, EventBusyDate } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { EventResult } from "@calcom/types/EventManager"; const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["CalendarManager"] }); /** TODO: Remove once all references are updated to app-store */ export { getCalendar }; export const getCalendarCredentials = (credentials: Array, userId: number) => { const calendarCredentials = getApps(credentials) .filter((app) => app.type.endsWith("_calendar")) .flatMap((app) => { const credentials = app.credentials.flatMap((credential) => { const calendar = getCalendar(credential); return app && calendar && app.variant === "calendar" ? [{ integration: app, credential, calendar }] : []; }); return credentials.length ? credentials : []; }); return calendarCredentials; }; export const getConnectedCalendars = async ( calendarCredentials: ReturnType, selectedCalendars: { externalId: string }[] ) => { const connectedCalendars = await Promise.all( (item) => { const { calendar, integration, credential } = item; const credentialId =; try { const cals = await calendar.listCalendars(); const calendars = _(cals) .map((cal) => ({, primary: cal.primary || null, isSelected: selectedCalendars.some((selected) => selected.externalId === cal.externalId), })) .sortBy(["primary"]) .value(); const primary = calendars.find((item) => item.primary) ?? calendars[0]; if (!primary) { throw new Error("No primary calendar found"); } return { integration, credentialId, primary, calendars, }; } catch (_error) { const error = getErrorFromUnknown(_error); return { integration, credentialId, error: { message: error.message, }, }; } }) ); return connectedCalendars; }; export const getBusyCalendarTimes = async ( withCredentials: Credential[], dateFrom: string, dateTo: string, selectedCalendars: SelectedCalendar[] ) => { const calendars = withCredentials .filter((credential) => credential.type.endsWith("_calendar")) .map((credential) => getCalendar(credential)) .filter(notEmpty); let results: EventBusyDate[][] = []; try { results = await Promise.all( => c.getAvailability(dateFrom, dateTo, selectedCalendars))); } catch (error) { log.warn(error); } return results.reduce((acc, availability) => acc.concat(availability), []); }; export const createEvent = async (credential: Credential, calEvent: CalendarEvent): Promise => { const uid: string = getUid(calEvent); const calendar = getCalendar(credential); let success = true; // Check if the disabledNotes flag is set to true if (calEvent.hideCalendarNotes) { calEvent.additionalNotes = "Notes have been hidden by the organiser"; // TODO: i18n this string? } const creationResult = calendar ? await calendar.createEvent(calEvent).catch((e) => { log.error("createEvent failed", e, calEvent); success = false; return undefined; }) : undefined; return { type: credential.type, success, uid, createdEvent: creationResult, originalEvent: calEvent, }; }; export const updateEvent = async ( credential: Credential, calEvent: CalendarEvent, bookingRefUid: string | null ): Promise => { const uid = getUid(calEvent); const calendar = getCalendar(credential); let success = true; const updatedResult = calendar && bookingRefUid ? await calendar.updateEvent(bookingRefUid, calEvent).catch((e) => { log.error("updateEvent failed", e, calEvent); success = false; return undefined; }) : undefined; return { type: credential.type, success, uid, updatedEvent: updatedResult, originalEvent: calEvent, }; }; export const deleteEvent = (credential: Credential, uid: string, event: CalendarEvent): Promise => { const calendar = getCalendar(credential); if (calendar) { return calendar.deleteEvent(uid, event); } return Promise.resolve({}); };