import type { DateArray, ParticipationStatus, ParticipationRole } from "ics"; import { createEvent } from "ics"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { cloneDeep } from "lodash"; import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import { RRule } from "rrule"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { getRichDescription } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser"; import { TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat"; import type { CalendarEvent, Person } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { renderEmail } from "../"; import BaseEmail from "./_base-email"; export default class AttendeeScheduledEmail extends BaseEmail { calEvent: CalendarEvent; attendee: Person; showAttendees: boolean | undefined; t: TFunction; constructor(calEvent: CalendarEvent, attendee: Person, showAttendees?: boolean | undefined) { super(); if (!showAttendees && calEvent.seatsPerTimeSlot) { this.calEvent = cloneDeep(calEvent); this.calEvent.attendees = [attendee]; } else { this.calEvent = calEvent; } = "SEND_BOOKING_CONFIRMATION"; this.attendee = attendee; this.t = attendee.language.translate; } protected getiCalEventAsString(): string | undefined { // Taking care of recurrence rule let recurrenceRule: string | undefined = undefined; if (this.calEvent.recurringEvent?.count) { // ics appends "RRULE:" already, so removing it from RRule generated string recurrenceRule = new RRule(this.calEvent.recurringEvent).toString().replace("RRULE:", ""); } const partstat: ParticipationStatus = "ACCEPTED"; const role: ParticipationRole = "REQ-PARTICIPANT"; const icsEvent = createEvent({ uid: this.calEvent.iCalUID || this.calEvent.uid!, start: dayjs(this.calEvent.startTime) .utc() .toArray() .slice(0, 6) .map((v, i) => (i === 1 ? v + 1 : v)) as DateArray, startInputType: "utc", productId: "calcom/ics", title: this.calEvent.title, description: this.getTextBody(), duration: { minutes: dayjs(this.calEvent.endTime).diff(dayjs(this.calEvent.startTime), "minute") }, organizer: { name:, email: }, attendees: [ Person) => ({ name:, email:, partstat, role, rsvp: true, })), ...( ? Person) => ({ name:, email:, partstat, role, rsvp: true, })) : []), ], method: "REQUEST", ...{ recurrenceRule }, status: "CONFIRMED", }); if (icsEvent.error) { throw icsEvent.error; } return icsEvent.value; } protected getNodeMailerPayload(): Record { const clonedCalEvent = cloneDeep(this.calEvent); this.getiCalEventAsString(); return { icalEvent: { filename: "event.ics", content: this.getiCalEventAsString(), method: "REQUEST", }, to: `${} <${}>`, from: `${} <${this.getMailerOptions().from}>`, replyTo: [{ email }) => email),], subject: `${this.calEvent.title}`, html: renderEmail("AttendeeScheduledEmail", { calEvent: clonedCalEvent, attendee: this.attendee, }), text: this.getTextBody(), }; } protected getTextBody(title = "", subtitle = "emailed_you_and_any_other_attendees"): string { return ` ${this.t( title || this.calEvent.recurringEvent?.count ? "your_event_has_been_scheduled_recurring" : "your_event_has_been_scheduled" )} ${this.t(subtitle)} ${getRichDescription(this.calEvent, this.t)} `.trim(); } protected getTimezone(): string { // Timezone is based on the first attendee in the attendee list // as the first attendee is the one who created the booking return this.calEvent.attendees[0].timeZone; } protected getLocale(): string { return this.calEvent.attendees[0].language.locale; } protected getInviteeStart(format: string) { return this.getFormattedRecipientTime({ time: this.calEvent.startTime, format, }); } protected getInviteeEnd(format: string) { return this.getFormattedRecipientTime({ time: this.calEvent.endTime, format, }); } public getFormattedDate() { const inviteeTimeFormat = this.calEvent.organizer.timeFormat || TimeFormat.TWELVE_HOUR; return `${this.getInviteeStart(inviteeTimeFormat)} - ${this.getInviteeEnd(inviteeTimeFormat)}, ${this.t( this.getInviteeStart("dddd").toLowerCase() )}, ${this.t(this.getInviteeStart("MMMM").toLowerCase())} ${this.getInviteeStart("D, YYYY")}`; } }