import type { Frame, Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from "http"; import { createServer } from "http"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { noop } from "lodash"; import type { API, Messages } from "mailhog"; import type { Prisma } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import type { Fixtures } from "./fixtures"; import { test } from "./fixtures"; export function todo(title: string) { // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test test.skip(title, noop); } type Request = IncomingMessage & { body?: unknown }; type RequestHandlerOptions = { req: Request; res: ServerResponse }; type RequestHandler = (opts: RequestHandlerOptions) => void; export const testEmail = ""; export const testName = "Test Testson"; export const teamEventTitle = "Team Event - 30min"; export const teamEventSlug = "team-event-30min"; export function createHttpServer(opts: { requestHandler?: RequestHandler } = {}) { const { requestHandler = ({ res }) => { res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); res.write(JSON.stringify({})); res.end(); }, } = opts; const requestList: Request[] = []; const server = createServer((req, res) => { const buffer: unknown[] = []; req.on("data", (data) => { buffer.push(data); }); req.on("end", () => { const _req: Request = req; // assume all incoming request bodies are json const json = buffer.length ? JSON.parse(buffer.join("")) : undefined; _req.body = json; requestList.push(_req); requestHandler({ req: _req, res }); }); }); // listen on random port server.listen(0); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const port: number = (server.address() as any).port; const url = `http://localhost:${port}`; return { port, close: () => server.close(), requestList, url, }; } /** * When in need to wait for any period of time you can use waitFor, to wait for your expectations to pass. */ export async function waitFor(fn: () => Promise | unknown, opts: { timeout?: number } = {}) { let finished = false; const timeout = opts.timeout ?? 5000; // 5s const timeStart =; while (!finished) { try { await fn(); finished = true; } catch { if ( - timeStart >= timeout) { throw new Error("waitFor timed out"); } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); } } } export async function selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page: Page | Frame) { // Let current month dates fully render. await'[data-testid="incrementMonth"]'); // Waiting for full month increment await page.locator('[data-testid="day"][data-disabled="false"]').nth(0).click(); await page.locator('[data-testid="time"]').nth(0).click(); } export async function selectSecondAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page: Page) { // Let current month dates fully render. await'[data-testid="incrementMonth"]'); await page.locator('[data-testid="day"][data-disabled="false"]').nth(1).click(); await page.locator('[data-testid="time"]').nth(0).click(); } async function bookEventOnThisPage(page: Page) { await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await bookTimeSlot(page); // Make sure we're navigated to the success page await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.pathname.startsWith("/booking"); }); await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); } export async function bookOptinEvent(page: Page) { await page.locator('[data-testid="event-type-link"]:has-text("Opt in")').click(); await bookEventOnThisPage(page); } export async function bookFirstEvent(page: Page) { // Click first event type await'[data-testid="event-type-link"]'); await bookEventOnThisPage(page); } export const bookTimeSlot = async (page: Page, opts?: { name?: string; email?: string }) => { // --- fill form await page.fill('[name="name"]', opts?.name ?? testName); await page.fill('[name="email"]', opts?.email ?? testEmail); await'[name="email"]', "Enter"); }; // Provide an standalone localize utility not managed by next-i18n export async function localize(locale: string) { const localeModule = `../../public/static/locales/${locale}/common.json`; const localeMap = await import(localeModule); return (message: string) => { if (message in localeMap) return localeMap[message]; throw "No locale found for the given entry message"; }; } export const createNewEventType = async (page: Page, args: { eventTitle: string }) => { await"[data-testid=new-event-type]"); const eventTitle = args.eventTitle; await page.fill("[name=title]", eventTitle); await page.fill("[name=length]", "10"); await"[type=submit]"); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.pathname !== "/event-types"; }); }; export const createNewSeatedEventType = async (page: Page, args: { eventTitle: string }) => { const eventTitle = args.eventTitle; await createNewEventType(page, { eventTitle }); await page.locator('[data-testid="vertical-tab-event_advanced_tab_title"]').click(); await page.locator('[data-testid="offer-seats-toggle"]').click(); await page.locator('[data-testid="update-eventtype"]').click(); }; export async function gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId, queryString = "", }: { page: Page; formId?: string; queryString?: string; }) { let previewLink = null; if (!formId) { // Instead of clicking on the preview link, we are going to the preview link directly because the earlier opens a new tab which is a bit difficult to manage with Playwright const href = await page.locator('[data-testid="form-action-preview"]').getAttribute("href"); if (!href) { throw new Error("Preview link not found"); } previewLink = href; } else { previewLink = `/forms/${formId}`; } await page.goto(`${previewLink}${queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ""}`); // HACK: There seems to be some issue with the inputs to the form getting reset if we don't wait. await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } export async function installAppleCalendar(page: Page) { await page.goto("/apps/categories/calendar"); await'[data-testid="app-store-app-card-apple-calendar"]'); await page.waitForURL("/apps/apple-calendar"); await'[data-testid="install-app-button"]'); } export async function getEmailsReceivedByUser({ emails, userEmail, }: { emails?: API; userEmail: string; }): Promise { if (!emails) return null; return, "to"); } export async function expectEmailsToHaveSubject({ emails, organizer, booker, eventTitle, }: { emails?: API; organizer: { name?: string | null; email: string }; booker: { name: string; email: string }; eventTitle: string; }) { if (!emails) return null; const emailsOrganizerReceived = await getEmailsReceivedByUser({ emails, userEmail: }); const emailsBookerReceived = await getEmailsReceivedByUser({ emails, userEmail: }); expect(emailsOrganizerReceived?.total).toBe(1); expect(emailsBookerReceived?.total).toBe(1); const [organizerFirstEmail] = (emailsOrganizerReceived as Messages).items; const [bookerFirstEmail] = (emailsBookerReceived as Messages).items; const emailSubject = `${eventTitle} between ${ ?? "Nameless"} and ${}`; expect(organizerFirstEmail.subject).toBe(emailSubject); expect(bookerFirstEmail.subject).toBe(emailSubject); } // this method is not used anywhere else // but I'm keeping it here in case we need in the future async function createUserWithSeatedEvent(users: Fixtures["users"]) { const slug = "seats"; const user = await users.create({ eventTypes: [ { title: "Seated event", slug, seatsPerTimeSlot: 10, requiresConfirmation: true, length: 30, disableGuests: true, // should always be true for seated events }, ], }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const eventType = user.eventTypes.find((e) => e.slug === slug)!; return { user, eventType }; } export async function createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees( fixtures: Pick, attendees: Prisma.AttendeeCreateManyBookingInput[] ) { const { user, eventType } = await createUserWithSeatedEvent(fixtures.users); const booking = await fixtures.bookings.create(, user.username,, { status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, // startTime with 1 day from now and endTime half hour after startTime: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), endTime: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 30 * 60 * 1000), attendees: { createMany: { data: attendees, }, }, }); return { user, eventType, booking }; }