Merge branch 'main' into intuita/useCompatSearchParams

Omar López 2023-10-26 12:17:08 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit b398e2cf78
No known key found for this signature in database
62 changed files with 1848 additions and 194 deletions

View File

@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ jobs:
- uses: ./.github/actions/yarn-install
# Should be an 8GB machine as per
- run: yarn test
# We could add different timezones here that we need to run our tests in
- run: TZ=America/Los_Angeles yarn test -- --timeZoneDependentTestsOnly

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/index.cjs b/index.cjs
index b645707a3549fc298508726e404243499bbed499..f34b0891e99b275a9218e253f303f43d31ef3f73 100644
--- a/index.cjs
+++ b/index.cjs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ function withMetadataArgument(func, _arguments) {
// An alternative approach:
-exports = module.exports = min.parsePhoneNumberFromString
-exports['default'] = min.parsePhoneNumberFromString
+// exports = module.exports = min.parsePhoneNumberFromString
+// exports['default'] = min.parsePhoneNumberFromString
// `parsePhoneNumberFromString()` named export is now considered legacy:
// it has been promoted to a default export due to being too verbose.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
diff --git a/dist/commonjs/serverSideTranslations.js b/dist/commonjs/serverSideTranslations.js
index bcad3d02fbdfab8dacb1d85efd79e98623a0c257..fff668f598154a13c4030d1b4a90d5d9c18214ad 100644
--- a/dist/commonjs/serverSideTranslations.js
+++ b/dist/commonjs/serverSideTranslations.js
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
var _createConfig = require("./config/createConfig");
var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./createClient/node"));
-var _appWithTranslation = require("./appWithTranslation");
var _utils = require("./utils");
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { (0, _defineProperty2["default"])(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
@@ -110,12 +109,8 @@ var serverSideTranslations = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
lng: initialLocale
localeExtension = config.localeExtension, localePath = config.localePath, fallbackLng = config.fallbackLng, reloadOnPrerender = config.reloadOnPrerender;
- if (!reloadOnPrerender) {
- = 18;
- break;
- } = 18;
- return _appWithTranslation.globalI18n === null || _appWithTranslation.globalI18n === void 0 ? void 0 : _appWithTranslation.globalI18n.reloadResources();
+ return void 0;
case 18:
_createClient = (0, _node["default"])(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, config), {}, {
lng: initialLocale

apps/web/app/layout.tsx Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import { headers as nextHeaders, cookies as nextCookies } from "next/headers";
import Script from "next/script";
import React from "react";
import { getLocale } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getLocale";
import { IS_PRODUCTION } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import "../styles/globals.css";
export const metadata: Metadata = {
icons: {
icon: [
sizes: "32x32",
url: "/api/logo?type=favicon-32",
sizes: "16x16",
url: "/api/logo?type=favicon-16",
apple: {
sizes: "180x180",
url: "/api/logo?type=apple-touch-icon",
other: [
url: "/safari-pinned-tab.svg",
rel: "mask-icon",
manifest: "/site.webmanifest",
themeColor: [
{ media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "#f9fafb" },
{ media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#1C1C1C" },
other: {
"msapplication-TileColor": "#000000",
const getInitialProps = async (
url: string,
headers: ReturnType<typeof nextHeaders>,
cookies: ReturnType<typeof nextCookies>
) => {
const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(url);
const isEmbed = pathname.endsWith("/embed") || (searchParams?.get("embedType") ?? null) !== null;
const embedColorScheme = searchParams?.get("ui.color-scheme");
// @ts-expect-error we cannot access ctx.req in app dir, however headers and cookies are only properties needed to extract the locale
const newLocale = await getLocale({ headers, cookies });
let direction = "ltr";
try {
const intlLocale = new Intl.Locale(newLocale);
// @ts-expect-error INFO: Typescript does not know about the Intl.Locale textInfo attribute
direction = intlLocale.textInfo?.direction;
} catch (e) {
return { isEmbed, embedColorScheme, locale: newLocale, direction };
export default async function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const headers = nextHeaders();
const cookies = nextCookies();
const fullUrl = headers.get("x-url") ?? "";
const nonce = headers.get("x-csp") ?? "";
const { locale, direction, isEmbed, embedColorScheme } = await getInitialProps(fullUrl, headers, cookies);
return (
style={embedColorScheme ? { colorScheme: embedColorScheme as string } : undefined}>
<head nonce={nonce}>
{!IS_PRODUCTION && process.env.VERCEL_ENV === "preview" && (
// eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-sync-scripts
className="dark:bg-darkgray-50 desktop-transparent bg-subtle antialiased"
? {
background: "transparent",
// Keep the embed hidden till parent initializes and
// - gives it the appropriate styles if UI instruction is there.
// - gives iframe the appropriate height(equal to document height) which can only be known after loading the page once in browser.
// - Tells iframe which mode it should be in (dark/light) - if there is a a UI instruction for that
visibility: "hidden",
: {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
"use client";
import type { SSRConfig } from "next-i18next";
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
import localFont from "next/font/local";
// import I18nLanguageHandler from "@components/I18nLanguageHandler";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
import Script from "next/script";
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
import "@calcom/embed-core/src/embed-iframe";
import LicenseRequired from "@calcom/features/ee/common/components/LicenseRequired";
import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react";
import type { AppProps } from "@lib/app-providers-app-dir";
import AppProviders from "@lib/app-providers-app-dir";
export interface CalPageWrapper {
(props?: AppProps): JSX.Element;
PageWrapper?: AppProps["Component"]["PageWrapper"];
const interFont = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"], variable: "--font-inter", preload: true, display: "swap" });
const calFont = localFont({
src: "../fonts/CalSans-SemiBold.woff2",
variable: "--font-cal",
preload: true,
display: "swap",
export type PageWrapperProps = Readonly<{
getLayout: (page: React.ReactElement) => ReactNode;
children: React.ReactElement;
requiresLicense: boolean;
isThemeSupported: boolean;
isBookingPage: boolean;
nonce: string | undefined;
themeBasis: string | null;
i18n?: SSRConfig;
function PageWrapper(props: PageWrapperProps) {
const pathname = usePathname();
let pageStatus = "200";
if (pathname === "/404") {
pageStatus = "404";
} else if (pathname === "/500") {
pageStatus = "500";
// On client side don't let nonce creep into DOM
// It also avoids hydration warning that says that Client has the nonce value but server has "" because browser removes nonce attributes before DOM is built
// See
// Set "" only if server had it set otherwise keep it undefined because server has to match with client to avoid hydration error
const nonce = typeof window !== "undefined" ? (props.nonce ? "" : undefined) : props.nonce;
const providerProps: PageWrapperProps = {
const getLayout: (page: React.ReactElement) => ReactNode = props.getLayout ?? ((page) => page);
return (
<AppProviders {...providerProps}>
{/* <I18nLanguageHandler locales={props.router.locales || []} /> */}
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `window.CalComPageStatus = '${pageStatus}'` }}
<style jsx global>{`
:root {
--font-inter: ${};
--font-cal: ${};
props.requiresLicense ? <LicenseRequired>{props.children}</LicenseRequired> : props.children
export default trpc.withTRPC(PageWrapper);

View File

@ -433,6 +433,23 @@ export const EventAdvancedTab = ({ eventType, team }: Pick<EventTypeSetupProps,
render={({ field: { value, onChange } }) => (
switchContainerClassName="border-subtle rounded-lg border py-6 px-4 sm:px-6"
onCheckedChange={(e) => onChange(e)}
{allowDisablingAttendeeConfirmationEmails(workflows) && (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
import { TooltipProvider } from "@radix-ui/react-tooltip";
import { dir } from "i18next";
import type { Session } from "next-auth";
import { SessionProvider, useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { EventCollectionProvider } from "next-collect/client";
import { appWithTranslation, type SSRConfig } from "next-i18next";
import { ThemeProvider } from "next-themes";
import type { AppProps as NextAppProps } from "next/app";
import type { ReadonlyURLSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { useEffect, type ReactNode } from "react";
import { OrgBrandingProvider } from "@calcom/features/ee/organizations/context/provider";
import DynamicHelpscoutProvider from "@calcom/features/ee/support/lib/helpscout/providerDynamic";
import DynamicIntercomProvider from "@calcom/features/ee/support/lib/intercom/providerDynamic";
import { FeatureProvider } from "@calcom/features/flags/context/provider";
import { useFlags } from "@calcom/features/flags/hooks";
import { MetaProvider } from "@calcom/ui";
import useIsBookingPage from "@lib/hooks/useIsBookingPage";
import type { WithNonceProps } from "@lib/withNonce";
import { useViewerI18n } from "@components/I18nLanguageHandler";
import type { PageWrapperProps } from "@components/PageWrapperAppDir";
// Workaround for
export type AppProps = Omit<
themeBasis?: string;
session: Session;
> & {
Component: NextAppProps["Component"] & {
requiresLicense?: boolean;
isThemeSupported?: boolean;
isBookingPage?: boolean | ((arg: { router: NextAppProps["router"] }) => boolean);
getLayout?: (page: React.ReactElement) => ReactNode;
PageWrapper?: (props: AppProps) => JSX.Element;
/** Will be defined only is there was an error */
err?: Error;
const getEmbedNamespace = (searchParams: ReadonlyURLSearchParams) => {
// Mostly embed query param should be available on server. Use that there.
// Use the most reliable detection on client
return typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.getEmbedNamespace() : searchParams.get("embed") ?? null;
// @ts-expect-error appWithTranslation expects AppProps
const AppWithTranslationHoc = appWithTranslation(({ children }) => <>{children}</>);
const CustomI18nextProvider = (props: { children: React.ReactElement; i18n?: SSRConfig }) => {
* i18n should never be clubbed with other queries, so that it's caching can be managed independently.
// @TODO
const session = useSession();
const locale =
session?.data?.user.locale ?? typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.document.documentElement.lang : "en";
useEffect(() => {
try {
// @ts-expect-error TS2790: The operand of a 'delete' operator must be optional.
delete window.document.documentElement["lang"];
window.document.documentElement.lang = locale;
// Next.js writes the locale to the same attribute
// which can result in a race condition
// this property descriptor ensures this never happens
Object.defineProperty(window.document.documentElement, "lang", {
configurable: true,
// value: locale,
set: function (this) {
// empty setter on purpose
get: function () {
return locale;
} catch (error) {
window.document.documentElement.lang = locale;
window.document.dir = dir(locale);
}, [locale]);
const clientViewerI18n = useViewerI18n(locale);
const i18n = ?? props.i18n;
if (!i18n || !i18n._nextI18Next) {
return null;
return (
// @ts-expect-error AppWithTranslationHoc expects AppProps
<AppWithTranslationHoc pageProps={{ _nextI18Next: i18n._nextI18Next }}>
const enum ThemeSupport {
// e.g. Login Page
None = "none",
// Entire App except Booking Pages
App = "systemOnly",
// Booking Pages(including Routing Forms)
Booking = "userConfigured",
type CalcomThemeProps = Readonly<{
isBookingPage: boolean;
themeBasis: string | null;
nonce: string | undefined;
isThemeSupported: boolean;
children: React.ReactNode;
const CalcomThemeProvider = (props: CalcomThemeProps) => {
// Use namespace of embed to ensure same namespaced embed are displayed with same theme. This allows different embeds on the same website to be themed differently
// One such example is our Embeds Demo and Testing page at http://localhost:3100
// Having `getEmbedNamespace` defined on window before react initializes the app, ensures that embedNamespace is available on the first mount and can be used as part of storageKey
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const embedNamespace = searchParams ? getEmbedNamespace(searchParams) : null;
const isEmbedMode = typeof embedNamespace === "string";
return (
<ThemeProvider {...getThemeProviderProps({ ...props, isEmbedMode, embedNamespace })}>
{/* Embed Mode can be detected reliably only on client side here as there can be static generated pages as well which can't determine if it's embed mode at backend */}
{/* color-scheme makes background:transparent not work in iframe which is required by embed. */}
{typeof window !== "undefined" && !isEmbedMode && (
<style jsx global>
.dark {
color-scheme: dark;
* The most important job for this fn is to generate correct storageKey for theme persistenc.
* `storageKey` is important because that key is listened for changes(using [`storage`]( event) and any pages opened will change it's theme based on that(as part of next-themes implementation).
* Choosing the right storageKey avoids theme flickering caused by another page using different theme
* So, we handle all the cases here namely,
* - Both Booking Pages, /free/30min and /pro/30min but configured with different themes but being operated together.
* - Embeds using different namespace. They can be completely themed different on the same page.
* - Embeds using the same namespace but showing different links with different themes
* - Embeds using the same namespace and showing same links with different themes(Different theme is possible for same link in case of embed because of theme config available in embed)
* - App has different theme then Booking Pages.
* All the above cases have one thing in common, which is the origin and thus localStorage is shared and thus `storageKey` is critical to avoid theme flickering.
* Some things to note:
* - There is a side effect of so many factors in `storageKey` that many localStorage keys will be created if a user goes through all these scenarios(e.g like booking a lot of different users)
* - Some might recommend disabling localStorage persistence but that doesn't give good UX as then we would default to light theme always for a few seconds before switching to dark theme(if that's the user's preference).
* - We can't disable [`storage`]( event handling as well because changing theme in one tab won't change the theme without refresh in other tabs. That's again a bad UX
* - Theme flickering becomes infinitely ongoing in case of embeds because of the browser's delay in processing `storage` event within iframes. Consider two embeds simulatenously opened with pages A and B. Note the timeline and keep in mind that it happened
* because 'setItem(A)' and 'Receives storageEvent(A)' allowed executing setItem(B) in b/w because of the delay.
* - t1 -> setItem(A) & Fires storageEvent(A) - On Page A) - Current State(A)
* - t2 -> setItem(B) & Fires storageEvent(B) - On Page B) - Current State(B)
* - t3 -> Receives storageEvent(A) & thus setItem(A) & thus fires storageEvent(A) (On Page B) - Current State(A)
* - t4 -> Receives storageEvent(B) & thus setItem(B) & thus fires storageEvent(B) (On Page A) - Current State(B)
* - ... and so on ...
function getThemeProviderProps(props: {
isBookingPage: boolean;
themeBasis: string | null;
nonce: string | undefined;
isEmbedMode: boolean;
embedNamespace: string | null;
isThemeSupported: boolean;
}) {
const themeSupport = props.isBookingPage
? ThemeSupport.Booking
: // if isThemeSupported is explicitly false, we don't use theme there
props.isThemeSupported === false
? ThemeSupport.None
: ThemeSupport.App;
const isBookingPageThemeSupportRequired = themeSupport === ThemeSupport.Booking;
if ((isBookingPageThemeSupportRequired || props.isEmbedMode) && !props.themeBasis) {
"`themeBasis` is required for booking page theme support. Not providing it will cause theme flicker."
const appearanceIdSuffix = props.themeBasis ? `:${props.themeBasis}` : "";
const forcedTheme = themeSupport === ThemeSupport.None ? "light" : undefined;
let embedExplicitlySetThemeSuffix = "";
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
const embedTheme = window.getEmbedTheme();
if (embedTheme) {
embedExplicitlySetThemeSuffix = `:${embedTheme}`;
const storageKey = props.isEmbedMode
? // Same Namespace, Same Organizer but different themes would still work seamless and not cause theme flicker
// Even though it's recommended to use different namespaces when you want to theme differently on the same page but if the embeds are on different pages, the problem can still arise
: themeSupport === ThemeSupport.App
? "app-theme"
: isBookingPageThemeSupportRequired
? `booking-theme${appearanceIdSuffix}`
: undefined;
return {
nonce: props.nonce,
enableColorScheme: false,
enableSystem: themeSupport !== ThemeSupport.None,
// next-themes doesn't listen to changes on storageKey. So we need to force a re-render when storageKey changes
// This is how login to dashboard soft navigation changes theme from light to dark
key: storageKey,
attribute: "class",
function FeatureFlagsProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const flags = useFlags();
return <FeatureProvider value={flags}>{children}</FeatureProvider>;
function useOrgBrandingValues() {
const session = useSession();
return session?.data?;
function OrgBrandProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const orgBrand = useOrgBrandingValues();
return <OrgBrandingProvider value={{ orgBrand }}>{children}</OrgBrandingProvider>;
const AppProviders = (props: PageWrapperProps) => {
// No need to have intercom on public pages - Good for Page Performance
const isBookingPage = useIsBookingPage();
const RemainingProviders = (
<EventCollectionProvider options={{ apiPath: "/api/collect-events" }}>
<CustomI18nextProvider i18n={props.i18n}>
{/* color-scheme makes background:transparent not work which is required by embed. We need to ensure next-theme adds color-scheme to `body` instead of `html`( Once that's done we can enable color-scheme support */}
isBookingPage={props.isBookingPage || isBookingPage}>
if (isBookingPage) {
return RemainingProviders;
return (
export default AppProviders;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
import prismaMock from "../../../tests/libs/__mocks__/prismaMock";
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import { RedirectType } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
import { getTemporaryOrgRedirect } from "./getTemporaryOrgRedirect";
function mockARedirectInDB({
}: {
toUrl: string;
slug: string;
redirectType: RedirectType;
}) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
prismaMock.tempOrgRedirect.findUnique.mockImplementation(({ where }) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (
where.from_type_fromOrgId.type === redirectType &&
where.from_type_fromOrgId.from === slug &&
where.from_type_fromOrgId.fromOrgId === 0
) {
resolve({ toUrl });
} else {
describe("getTemporaryOrgRedirect", () => {
it("should generate event-type URL without existing query params", async () => {
mockARedirectInDB({ slug: "slug", toUrl: "", redirectType: RedirectType.User });
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "slug",
redirectType: RedirectType.User,
eventTypeSlug: "30min",
currentQuery: {},
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",
it("should generate event-type URL with existing query params", async () => {
mockARedirectInDB({ slug: "slug", toUrl: "", redirectType: RedirectType.User });
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "slug",
redirectType: RedirectType.User,
eventTypeSlug: "30min",
currentQuery: {
abc: "1",
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",
it("should generate User URL with existing query params", async () => {
mockARedirectInDB({ slug: "slug", toUrl: "", redirectType: RedirectType.User });
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "slug",
redirectType: RedirectType.User,
eventTypeSlug: null,
currentQuery: {
abc: "1",
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",
it("should generate Team Profile URL with existing query params", async () => {
slug: "seeded-team",
toUrl: "",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "seeded-team",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
eventTypeSlug: null,
currentQuery: {
abc: "1",
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",
it("should generate Team Event URL with existing query params", async () => {
slug: "seeded-team",
toUrl: "",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "seeded-team",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
eventTypeSlug: "30min",
currentQuery: {
abc: "1",
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",
it("should generate Team Event URL without query params", async () => {
slug: "seeded-team",
toUrl: "",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
const redirect = await getTemporaryOrgRedirect({
slug: "seeded-team",
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
eventTypeSlug: "30min",
currentQuery: {},
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "",

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from "querystring";
import { stringify } from "querystring";
import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger";
import { safeStringify } from "@calcom/lib/safeStringify";
import type { RedirectType } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
@ -7,10 +10,12 @@ export const getTemporaryOrgRedirect = async ({
}: {
slug: string;
redirectType: RedirectType;
eventTypeSlug: string | null;
currentQuery: ParsedUrlQuery;
}) => {
const prisma = (await import("@calcom/prisma")).default;
@ -33,10 +38,12 @@ export const getTemporaryOrgRedirect = async ({
if (redirect) {
log.debug(`Redirecting ${slug} to ${redirect.toUrl}`);
const newDestinationWithoutQuery = eventTypeSlug ? `${redirect.toUrl}/${eventTypeSlug}` : redirect.toUrl;
const currentQueryString = stringify(currentQuery);
return {
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: eventTypeSlug ? `${redirect.toUrl}/${eventTypeSlug}` : redirect.toUrl,
destination: `${newDestinationWithoutQuery}${currentQueryString ? `?${currentQueryString}` : ""}`,
} as const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
import type { Request, Response } from "express";
import type { Redirect } from "next";
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
import { createMocks } from "node-mocks-http";
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import withEmbedSsr from "./withEmbedSsr";
export type CustomNextApiRequest = NextApiRequest & Request;
export type CustomNextApiResponse = NextApiResponse & Response;
export function createMockNextJsRequest(...args: Parameters<typeof createMocks>) {
return createMocks<CustomNextApiRequest, CustomNextApiResponse>(...args);
function getServerSidePropsFnGenerator(
| { redirectUrl: string }
| { props: Record<string, unknown> }
| {
notFound: true;
) {
if ("redirectUrl" in config)
return async () => {
return {
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: config.redirectUrl,
} satisfies Redirect,
if ("props" in config)
return async () => {
return {
props: config.props,
if ("notFound" in config)
return async () => {
return {
notFound: true as const,
throw new Error("Invalid config");
function getServerSidePropsContextArg({
}: {
embedRelatedParams?: Record<string, string>;
}) {
return {
query: {
resolvedUrl: "/MOCKED_RESOLVED_URL",
describe("withEmbedSsr", () => {
describe("when gSSP returns redirect", () => {
describe("when redirect destination is relative, should add /embed to end of the path", () => {
it("should add layout and embed params from the current query", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "/reschedule",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "namespace1",
redirect: {
destination: "/reschedule/embed?layout=week_view&embed=namespace1",
permanent: false,
it("should add layout and embed params without losing query params that were in redirect", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "/reschedule?redirectParam=1",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "namespace1",
redirect: {
destination: "/reschedule/embed?redirectParam=1&layout=week_view&embed=namespace1",
permanent: false,
it("should add embed param even when it was empty(i.e. default namespace of embed)", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "/reschedule?redirectParam=1",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "",
redirect: {
destination: "/reschedule/embed?redirectParam=1&layout=week_view&embed=",
permanent: false,
describe("when redirect destination is absolute, should add /embed to end of the path", () => {
it("should add layout and embed params from the current query when destination URL is HTTPS", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "namespace1",
redirect: {
destination: "",
permanent: false,
it("should add layout and embed params from the current query when destination URL is HTTP", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "namespace1",
redirect: {
destination: "",
permanent: false,
it("should correctly identify a URL as non absolute URL if protocol is missing", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
redirectUrl: "",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "namespace1",
redirect: {
// FIXME: Note that it is adding a / in the beginning of the path, which might be fine for now, but could be an issue
destination: "/",
permanent: false,
describe("when gSSP returns props", () => {
it("should add isEmbed=true prop", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
props: {
prop1: "value1",
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "",
props: {
prop1: "value1",
isEmbed: true,
describe("when gSSP doesn't have props or redirect ", () => {
it("should return the result from gSSP as is", async () => {
const withEmbedGetSsr = withEmbedSsr(
notFound: true,
const ret = await withEmbedGetSsr(
embedRelatedParams: {
layout: "week_view",
embed: "",
expect(ret).toEqual({ notFound: true });

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import type { GetServerSideProps, GetServerSidePropsContext, GetServerSidePropsResult } from "next";
import { WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
export type EmbedProps = {
isEmbed?: boolean;
@ -11,14 +13,25 @@ export default function withEmbedSsr(getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps) {
const layout = context.query.layout;
if ("redirect" in ssrResponse) {
// Use a dummy URL https://base as the fallback base URL so that URL parsing works for relative URLs as well.
const destinationUrlObj = new URL(ssrResponse.redirect.destination, "https://base");
const destinationUrl = ssrResponse.redirect.destination;
let urlPrefix = "";
// Get the URL parsed from URL so that we can reliably read pathname and searchParams from it.
const destinationUrlObj = new URL(ssrResponse.redirect.destination, WEBAPP_URL);
// If it's a complete URL, use the origin as the prefix to ensure we redirect to the same domain.
if (^(http:|https:).*/) !== -1) {
urlPrefix = destinationUrlObj.origin;
} else {
// Don't use any prefix for relative URLs to ensure we stay on the same domain
urlPrefix = "";
const destinationQueryStr = destinationUrlObj.searchParams.toString();
// Make sure that redirect happens to /embed page and pass on embed query param as is for preserving Cal JS API namespace
const newDestinationUrl = `${
const newDestinationUrl = `${urlPrefix}${destinationUrlObj.pathname}/embed?${
destinationQueryStr ? `${destinationQueryStr}&` : ""
return {
redirect: {

View File

@ -226,6 +226,14 @@ const nextConfig = {
async rewrites() {
const beforeFiles = [
* Needed due to the introduction of dotted usernames
* @see
source: "/embed.js",
destination: "/embed/embed.js",
source: "/login",
destination: "/auth/login",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@calcom/web",
"version": "3.4.3",
"version": "3.4.5",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"analyze": "ANALYZE=true next build",

View File

@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ export type UserPageProps = {
| "slug"
| "length"
| "hidden"
| "lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage"
| "requiresConfirmation"
| "requiresBookerEmailVerification"
| "price"
@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<UserPageProps> = async (cont
slug: usernameList[0],
redirectType: RedirectType.User,
eventTypeSlug: null,
currentQuery: context.query,
if (redirect) {

View File

@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ async function getUserPageProps(context: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
slug: usernames[0],
redirectType: RedirectType.User,
eventTypeSlug: slug,
currentQuery: context.query,
if (redirect) {

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ export type FormValues = {
offsetStart: number;
description: string;
disableGuests: boolean;
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: boolean;
requiresConfirmation: boolean;
requiresBookerEmailVerification: boolean;
recurringEvent: RecurringEvent | null;

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import useMeQuery from "@lib/hooks/useMeQuery";
import PageWrapper from "@components/PageWrapper";
import SkeletonLoader from "@components/eventtype/SkeletonLoader";
import { UserAvatarGroup } from "@components/ui/avatar/UserAvatarGroup";
type EventTypeGroups = RouterOutputs["viewer"]["eventTypes"]["getByViewer"]["eventTypeGroups"];
type EventTypeGroupProfile = EventTypeGroups[number]["profile"];
@ -399,23 +400,11 @@ export const EventTypeList = ({ group, groupIndex, readOnly, types }: EventTypeL
<div className="mt-4 hidden sm:mt-0 sm:flex">
<div className="flex justify-between space-x-2 rtl:space-x-reverse">
{ && !isManagedEventType && (
className="relative right-3 top-1"
(organizer: { name: string | null; username: string | null }) => ({
alt: || "",
image: `${orgBranding?.fullDomain ?? WEBAPP_URL}/${
title: || "",
: []
users={type?.users ?? []}
{isManagedEventType && type?.children && type.children?.length > 0 && (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import withEmbedSsr from "@lib/withEmbedSsr";
import { getServerSideProps as _getServerSideProps } from "../[user]";
export { default } from "../[user]";
export const getServerSideProps = withEmbedSsr(_getServerSideProps);

View File

@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ type FormValues = {
bio: string;
const checkIfItFallbackImage = (fetchedImgSrc: string) => {
return fetchedImgSrc.endsWith(AVATAR_FALLBACK);
const checkIfItFallbackImage = (fetchedImgSrc?: string) => {
return !fetchedImgSrc || fetchedImgSrc.endsWith(AVATAR_FALLBACK);
const ProfileView = () => {
@ -226,10 +226,11 @@ const ProfileView = () => {
[ErrorCode.ThirdPartyIdentityProviderEnabled]: t("account_created_with_identity_provider"),
if (isLoading || !user || fetchedImgSrc === undefined)
if (isLoading || !user) {
return (
<SkeletonLoader title={t("profile")} description={t("profile_description", { appName: APP_NAME })} />
const defaultValues = {
username: user.username || "",

View File

@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ export const getServerSideProps = async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) =>
slug: slug,
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
eventTypeSlug: null,
currentQuery: context.query,
if (redirect) {

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ export const getServerSideProps = async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) =>
slug: teamSlug,
redirectType: RedirectType.Team,
eventTypeSlug: meetingSlug,
currentQuery: context.query,
if (redirect) {

View File

@ -435,6 +435,8 @@ test.describe("Reschedule for booking with seats", () => {
await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
const oldBooking = await{
where: { uid: booking.uid },
select: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
import { loginUser } from "../../fixtures/regularBookings";
import { test } from "../../lib/fixtures";
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Each Other Question", () => {
const bookingOptions = { hasPlaceholder: true, isRequired: true };
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, users }) => {
await loginUser(users);
await page.goto("/event-types");
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Checkbox Group Question", () => {
test("Address required and checkbox group required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("checkbox", "checkbox-test", "checkbox test", true);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Checkbox Group question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "checkbox",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and checkbox group not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("checkbox", "checkbox-test", "checkbox test", false);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Checkbox Group question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "checkbox",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Checkbox Question", () => {
test("Address required and checkbox required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("boolean", "boolean-test", "boolean test", true);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Checkbox question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "boolean",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Addres and checkbox not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("boolean", "boolean-test", "boolean test", false);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Checkbox question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "boolean",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Long text Question", () => {
test("Addres required and Long Text required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("textarea", "textarea-test", "textarea test", true, "textarea test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Long Text question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "textarea",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Long Text not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("textarea", "textarea-test", "textarea test", false, "textarea test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Long Text question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "textarea",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Multi email Question", () => {
test("Address required and Multi email required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion(
"multiemail test",
"multiemail test"
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multiemail question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "multiemail",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Multi email not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion(
"multiemail test",
"multiemail test"
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multiemail question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "multiemail",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and multiselect Question", () => {
test("Address required and multiselect text required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("multiselect", "multiselect-test", "multiselect test", true);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "multiselect",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isMultiSelect: true },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and multiselect text not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("multiselect", "multiselect-test", "multiselect test", false);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "multiselect",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isMultiSelect: true, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Number Question", () => {
test("Address required and Number required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("number", "number-test", "number test", true, "number test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Number question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "number",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Number not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("number", "number-test", "number test", false, "number test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Number question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "number",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Phone Question", () => {
test("Address required and Phone required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("phone", "phone-test", "phone test", true, "phone-test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "phone",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Phone not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("phone", "phone-test", "phone test", false, "phone-test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "phone",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Radio group Question", () => {
test("Address required and Radio group required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("radio", "radio-test", "radio test", true);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Radio question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "radio",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Radio group not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("radio", "radio-test", "radio test", false);
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Radio question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "radio",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and select Question", () => {
test("Address required and select required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("select", "select-test", "select test", true, "select test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Select question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "select",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and select not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("select", "select-test", "select test", false, "select test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Select question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "select",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: false },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test.describe("Booking With Address Question and Short text question", () => {
test("Address required and Short text required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("text", "text-test", "text test", true, "text test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (both required)",
secondQuestion: "text",
options: bookingOptions,
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);
test("Address and Short text not required", async ({ bookingPage }) => {
await bookingPage.goToEventType("30 min");
await bookingPage.goToTab("event_advanced_tab_title");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("address", "address-test", "address test", true, "address test");
await bookingPage.addQuestion("text", "text-test", "text test", false, "text test");
await bookingPage.updateEventType();
const eventTypePage = await bookingPage.previewEventType();
await bookingPage.selectTimeSlot(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.fillAndConfirmBooking({
placeholderText: "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
question: "address",
fillText: "Test Address question and Multi Select question (only address required)",
secondQuestion: "text",
options: { ...bookingOptions, isRequired: true },
await bookingPage.rescheduleBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingRescheduled(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.cancelBooking(eventTypePage);
await bookingPage.assertBookingCanceled(eventTypePage);

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type BookingOptions = {
hasPlaceholder?: boolean;
isReschedule?: boolean;
isRequired?: boolean;
isMultiSelect?: boolean;
interface QuestionActions {

View File

@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (pt)", async () => {
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (pt-br)", async () => {
locale: "pt-br",
locale: "pt-BR",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-br]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-BR]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (es-419)", async () =
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=es-419]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
// es-419 is disabled in i18n config, so es should be used as fallback
await page.locator("html[lang=es]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });

View File

@ -2094,5 +2094,7 @@
"overlay_my_calendar":"Overlay my calendar",
"overlay_my_calendar_toc":"By connecting to your calendar, you accept our privacy policy and terms of use. You may revoke access at any time.",
"view_overlay_calendar_events":"View your calendar events to prevent clashed booking.",
"lock_timezone_toggle_on_booking_page": "Lock timezone on booking page",
"description_lock_timezone_toggle_on_booking_page" : "To lock the timezone on booking page, useful for in-person events.",
"ADD_NEW_STRINGS_ABOVE_THIS_LINE_TO_PREVENT_MERGE_CONFLICTS": "↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Add your new strings above here ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"enter_option": "Entrer l'option {{index}}",
"add_an_option": "Ajouter une option",
"location_already_exists": "Ce lieu existe déjà. Veuillez en sélectionner un nouveau.",
"radio": "Radio",
"google_meet_warning": "Pour utiliser Google Meet, vous devez définir votre calendrier de destination sur un calendrier Google",
"individual": "Particulier",

View File

@ -37,8 +37,14 @@ export async function ssgInit<TParams extends { locale?: string }>(opts: GetStat
// always preload i18n
await ssg.viewer.public.i18n.fetch({ locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION });
// i18n translations are already retrieved from serverSideTranslations call, there is no need to run a i18n.fetch
// we can set query data directly to the queryClient
const queryKey = [
["viewer", "public", "i18n"],
{ input: { locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION }, type: "query" },
ssg.queryClient.setQueryData(queryKey, { i18n: _i18n });
return ssg;

View File

@ -25,11 +25,17 @@ export async function ssrInit(context: GetServerSidePropsContext, options?: { no
ctx: { ...ctx, locale, i18n },
// i18n translations are already retrieved from serverSideTranslations call, there is no need to run a i18n.fetch
// we can set query data directly to the queryClient
const queryKey = [
["viewer", "public", "i18n"],
{ input: { locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION }, type: "query" },
if (!options?.noI18nPreload) {
ssr.queryClient.setQueryData(queryKey, { i18n });
await Promise.allSettled([
// always preload "viewer.public.i18n"
? ssr.viewer.public.i18n.prefetch({ locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION })
: Promise.resolve({}),
// So feature flags are available on first render,
// Provides a better UX to the users who have already upgraded.

View File

@ -98,12 +98,19 @@ describe("handleChildrenEventTypes", () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line
const { schedulingType, id, teamId, timeZone, users, requiresBookerEmailVerification, ...evType } =
id: 123,
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
locations: [],
const {
} = mockFindFirstEventType({
id: 123,
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
locations: [],
const result = await updateChildrenEventTypes({
eventTypeId: 1,
oldEventType: { children: [], team: { name: "" } },
@ -145,6 +152,7 @@ describe("handleChildrenEventTypes", () => {
} = mockFindFirstEventType({
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
@ -230,12 +238,19 @@ describe("handleChildrenEventTypes", () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line
const { schedulingType, id, teamId, timeZone, users, requiresBookerEmailVerification, ...evType } =
id: 123,
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
locations: [],
const {
} = mockFindFirstEventType({
id: 123,
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
locations: [],
prismaMock.eventType.deleteMany.mockResolvedValue([123] as unknown as Prisma.BatchPayload);
const result = await updateChildrenEventTypes({
eventTypeId: 1,
@ -277,6 +292,7 @@ describe("handleChildrenEventTypes", () => {
} = mockFindFirstEventType({
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },
@ -327,6 +343,7 @@ describe("handleChildrenEventTypes", () => {
userId: _userId,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
} = mockFindFirstEventType({
metadata: { managedEventConfig: {} },

View File

@ -107,7 +107,9 @@
"@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser": "9.0.9",
"@types/node": "16.9.1",
"@types/react": "18.0.26",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.9"
"@types/react-dom": "^18.0.9",
"libphonenumber-js@^1.10.12": "patch:libphonenumber-js@npm%3A1.10.12#./.yarn/patches/libphonenumber-js-npm-1.10.12-51c84f8bf1.patch",
"next-i18next@^13.2.2": "patch:next-i18next@npm%3A13.3.0#./.yarn/patches/next-i18next-npm-13.3.0-bf25b0943c.patch"
"lint-staged": {
"(apps|packages)/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}": [

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import type { calendar_v3 } from "googleapis";
import { google } from "googleapis";
import { MeetLocationType } from "@calcom/app-store/locations";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { getFeatureFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/server/utils";
import { getLocation, getRichDescription } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser";
import type CalendarService from "@calcom/lib/CalendarService";
@ -369,57 +370,75 @@ export default class GoogleCalendarService implements Calendar {
timeMin: string;
timeMax: string;
items: { id: string }[];
}): Promise<calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse> {
}): Promise<EventBusyDate[] | null> {
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
const flags = await getFeatureFlagMap(prisma);
let freeBusyResult: calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse = {};
if (!flags["calendar-cache"]) {
this.log.warn("Calendar Cache is disabled - Skipping");
const { timeMin, timeMax, items } = args;
const apires = await calendar.freebusy.query({
requestBody: { timeMin, timeMax, items },
freeBusyResult =;
} else {
const { timeMin: _timeMin, timeMax: _timeMax, items } = args;
const { timeMin, timeMax } = handleMinMax(_timeMin, _timeMax);
const key = JSON.stringify({ timeMin, timeMax, items });
const cached = await prisma.calendarCache.findUnique({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
expiresAt: { gte: new Date( },
if (cached) {
freeBusyResult = cached.value as unknown as calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse;
} else {
const apires = await calendar.freebusy.query({
requestBody: { timeMin, timeMax, items },
// Skipping await to respond faster
await prisma.calendarCache.upsert({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
update: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(,
expiresAt: new Date( + CACHING_TIME),
create: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(,
expiresAt: new Date( + CACHING_TIME),
freeBusyResult =;
const { timeMin: _timeMin, timeMax: _timeMax, items } = args;
const { timeMin, timeMax } = handleMinMax(_timeMin, _timeMax);
const key = JSON.stringify({ timeMin, timeMax, items });
const cached = await prisma.calendarCache.findUnique({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
expiresAt: { gte: new Date( },
if (!freeBusyResult.calendars) return null;
if (cached) return cached.value as unknown as calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse;
const apires = await calendar.freebusy.query({
requestBody: { timeMin, timeMax, items },
// Skipping await to respond faster
await prisma.calendarCache.upsert({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
update: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(,
expiresAt: new Date( + CACHING_TIME),
create: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(,
expiresAt: new Date( + CACHING_TIME),
const result = Object.values(freeBusyResult.calendars).reduce((c, i) => {
i.busy?.forEach((busyTime) => {
start: busyTime.start || "",
end: busyTime.end || "",
return c;
}, [] as Prisma.PromiseReturnType<CalendarService["getAvailability"]>);
return result;
async getAvailability(
@ -444,22 +463,44 @@ export default class GoogleCalendarService implements Calendar {
try {
const calsIds = await getCalIds();
const freeBusyData = await this.getCacheOrFetchAvailability({
timeMin: dateFrom,
timeMax: dateTo,
items: => ({ id })),
if (!freeBusyData?.calendars) throw new Error("No response from google calendar");
const result = Object.values(freeBusyData.calendars).reduce((c, i) => {
i.busy?.forEach((busyTime) => {
start: busyTime.start || "",
end: busyTime.end || "",
const originalStartDate = dayjs(dateFrom);
const originalEndDate = dayjs(dateTo);
const diff = originalEndDate.diff(originalStartDate, "days");
// /freebusy from google api only allows a date range of 90 days
if (diff <= 90) {
const freeBusyData = await this.getCacheOrFetchAvailability({
timeMin: dateFrom,
timeMax: dateTo,
items: => ({ id })),
return c;
}, [] as Prisma.PromiseReturnType<CalendarService["getAvailability"]>);
return result;
if (!freeBusyData) throw new Error("No response from google calendar");
return freeBusyData;
} else {
const busyData = [];
const loopsNumber = Math.ceil(diff / 90);
let startDate = originalStartDate;
let endDate = originalStartDate.add(90, "days");
for (let i = 0; i < loopsNumber; i++) {
if (endDate.isAfter(originalEndDate)) endDate = originalEndDate;
...((await this.getCacheOrFetchAvailability({
timeMin: startDate.format(),
timeMax: endDate.format(),
items: => ({ id })),
})) || [])
startDate = endDate.add(1, "minutes");
endDate = startDate.add(90, "days");
return busyData;
} catch (error) {
this.log.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", error);
throw error;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
import { parse } from "accept-language-parser";
import { lookup } from "bcp-47-match";
import type { GetTokenParams } from "next-auth/jwt";
import { getToken } from "next-auth/jwt";
//@ts-expect-error no type definitions
import { i18n } from "@calcom/web/next-i18next.config";
* This is a slimmed down version of the `getServerSession` function from
* `next-auth`.
@ -40,5 +44,9 @@ export const getLocale = async (req: GetTokenParams["req"]): Promise<string> =>
// the regex underneath is more permissive
const testedRegion = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(region) ? region : "";
return `${testedCode}${testedRegion !== "" ? "-" : ""}${testedRegion}`;
const requestedLocale = `${testedCode}${testedRegion !== "" ? "-" : ""}${testedRegion}`;
// use fallback to closest supported locale.
// for instance, es-419 will be transformed to es
return lookup(i18n.locales, requestedLocale) ?? requestedLocale;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { m } from "framer-motion";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { shallow } from "zustand/shallow";
import { useEmbedUiConfig, useIsEmbed } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe";
@ -38,13 +37,6 @@ export const EventMeta = () => {
const isEmbed = useIsEmbed();
const hideEventTypeDetails = isEmbed ? embedUiConfig.hideEventTypeDetails : false;
useEffect(() => {
if (!selectedDuration && event?.length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [event?.length, selectedDuration]);
if (hideEventTypeDetails) {
return null;
@ -113,6 +105,7 @@ export const EventMeta = () => {
<EventDetails event={event} />
className="cursor-pointer [&_.current-timezone:before]:focus-within:opacity-100 [&_.current-timezone:before]:hover:opacity-100"
contentClassName="relative max-w-[90%]"
@ -120,7 +113,10 @@ export const EventMeta = () => {
{bookerState === "booking" ? (
) : (
<span className="min-w-32 current-timezone before:bg-subtle -mt-[2px] flex h-6 max-w-full items-center justify-start before:absolute before:inset-0 before:bottom-[-3px] before:left-[-30px] before:top-[-3px] before:w-[calc(100%_+_35px)] before:rounded-md before:py-3 before:opacity-0 before:transition-opacity">
className={`min-w-32 current-timezone before:bg-subtle -mt-[2px] flex h-6 max-w-full items-center justify-start before:absolute before:inset-0 before:bottom-[-3px] before:left-[-30px] before:top-[-3px] before:w-[calc(100%_+_35px)] before:rounded-md before:py-3 before:opacity-0 before:transition-opacity ${
event.lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage ? "cursor-not-allowed" : ""
@ -132,6 +128,7 @@ export const EventMeta = () => {
onChange={(tz) => setTimezone(tz.value)}

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export function OverlayCalendarSettingsModal(props: IOverlayCalendarContinueModa
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const setOverlayBusyDates = useOverlayCalendarStore((state) => state.setOverlayBusyDates);
const { data, isLoading } = trpc.viewer.connectedCalendars.useQuery(undefined, {
enabled: !! || !!searchParams.get("overlayCalendar"),
enabled: !! || Boolean(searchParams?.get("overlayCalendar")),
const { toggleValue, hasItem, set } = useLocalSet<{
credentialId: number;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import { Button, SkeletonText } from "@calcom/ui";
import { useBookerStore } from "../Booker/store";
import { useEvent } from "../Booker/utils/event";
import { getQueryParam } from "../Booker/utils/query-param";
import { useTimePreferences } from "../lib";
import { useCheckOverlapWithOverlay } from "../lib/useCheckOverlapWithOverlay";
@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ const SlotItem = ({
const overlayCalendarToggled =
getQueryParam("overlayCalendar") === "true" || localStorage.getItem("overlayCalendarSwitchDefault");
const [timeFormat, timezone] = useTimePreferences((state) => [state.timeFormat, state.timezone]);
const selectedDuration = useBookerStore((state) => state.selectedDuration);
const bookingData = useBookerStore((state) => state.bookingData);
const layout = useBookerStore((state) => state.layout);
const { data: event } = useEvent();
const hasTimeSlots = !!seatsPerTimeSlot;
const computedDateWithUsersTimezone = dayjs.utc(slot.time).tz(timezone);
@ -67,11 +68,12 @@ const SlotItem = ({
const offset = (usersTimezoneDate.utcOffset() - nowDate.utcOffset()) / 60;
const { isOverlapping, overlappingTimeEnd, overlappingTimeStart } = useCheckOverlapWithOverlay(
const { isOverlapping, overlappingTimeEnd, overlappingTimeStart } = useCheckOverlapWithOverlay({
start: computedDateWithUsersTimezone,
selectedDuration: event?.length ?? 0,
const [overlapConfirm, setOverlapConfirm] = useState(false);
const onButtonClick = useCallback(() => {

View File

@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ const getEventTypesFromDB = async (eventTypeId: number) => {
periodEndDate: true,
periodDays: true,
periodCountCalendarDays: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
userId: true,
@ -1851,6 +1852,7 @@ async function handler(
uid: resultBooking?.uid || uid,
bookingId: booking?.id,
rescheduleId: originalRescheduledBooking?.id || undefined,
rescheduleStartTime: originalRescheduledBooking?.startTime
? dayjs(originalRescheduledBooking?.startTime).utc().format()
@ -2377,6 +2379,7 @@ async function handler(
bookingId: booking?.id,
rescheduleId: originalRescheduledBooking?.id || undefined,
rescheduleStartTime: originalRescheduledBooking?.startTime
? dayjs(originalRescheduledBooking?.startTime).utc().format()
@ -2684,6 +2687,7 @@ const findBookingQuery = async (bookingId: number) => {
description: true,
currency: true,
length: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
price: true,

View File

@ -9,7 +9,15 @@ function getCurrentTime(date: Date) {
return `${hours}:${minutes}`;
export function useCheckOverlapWithOverlay(start: Dayjs, selectedDuration: number | null, offset: number) {
export function useCheckOverlapWithOverlay({
}: {
start: Dayjs;
selectedDuration: number | null;
offset: number;
}) {
const overlayBusyDates = useOverlayCalendarStore((state) => state.overlayBusyDates);
let overlappingTimeStart: string | null = null;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { describe, expect, test } from "vitest";
import { describe, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";
import { getAvailableDatesInMonth } from "@calcom/features/calendars/lib/getAvailableDatesInMonth";
import { daysInMonth, yyyymmdd } from "@calcom/lib/date-fns";
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe("Test Suite: Date Picker", () => {
// *) Use right amount of days in given month. (28, 30, 31)
test("it returns the right amount of days in a given month", () => {
const currentDate = new Date();
const nextMonthDate = new Date(Date.UTC(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth() + 1));
const nextMonthDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth() + 1);
const result = getAvailableDatesInMonth({
browsingDate: nextMonthDate,
@ -35,5 +35,33 @@ describe("Test Suite: Date Picker", () => {
test("it translates correctly regardless of system time", () => {
// test a date in negative UTC offset
vi.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date("2023-10-24T13:27:00.000-07:00"));
const currentDate = new Date();
const result = getAvailableDatesInMonth({
browsingDate: currentDate,
expect(result).toHaveLength(daysInMonth(currentDate) - currentDate.getDate() + 1);
// test a date in positive UTC offset
vi.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date("2023-10-24T13:27:00.000+07:00"));
const currentDate = new Date();
const result = getAvailableDatesInMonth({
browsingDate: currentDate,
expect(result).toHaveLength(daysInMonth(currentDate) - currentDate.getDate() + 1);
// Undo the forced time we applied earlier, reset to system default.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { daysInMonth, yyyymmdd } from "@calcom/lib/date-fns";
// *) Dates in the past are not available.
// *) Use right amount of days in given month. (28, 30, 31)
export function getAvailableDatesInMonth({
browsingDate, // pass as UTC
minDate = new Date(),
}: {
@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ export function getAvailableDatesInMonth({
}) {
const dates = [];
const lastDateOfMonth = new Date(
Date.UTC(browsingDate.getFullYear(), browsingDate.getMonth(), daysInMonth(browsingDate))
for (
let date = browsingDate > minDate ? browsingDate : minDate;
date <= lastDateOfMonth;
date = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1))
date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1)
) {
// intersect included dates
if (includedDates && !includedDates.includes(yyyymmdd(date))) {

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ const PaymentForm = (props: Props) => {
location?: string;
} = {
email: searchParams.get("email"),
email: searchParams?.get("email"),
if (paymentOption === "HOLD" && "setupIntent" in {
payload = await stripe.confirmSetup({

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { parseRecurringEvent } from "@calcom/lib";
import { defaultHandler } from "@calcom/lib/server";
import { getTimeFormatStringFromUserTimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat";
import prisma from "@calcom/prisma";
import type { User } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
import { WorkflowActions, WorkflowMethods, WorkflowTemplates } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import { bookingMetadataSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
@ -29,14 +30,14 @@ sgMail.setApiKey(sendgridAPIKey);
type Booking = Prisma.BookingGetPayload<{
include: {
eventType: true;
user: true;
attendees: true;
function getiCalEventAsString(
booking: Pick<Booking, "startTime" | "endTime" | "description" | "location" | "user" | "attendees"> & {
booking: Pick<Booking, "startTime" | "endTime" | "description" | "location" | "attendees"> & {
eventType: { recurringEvent?: Prisma.JsonValue; title?: string } | null;
user: Partial<User> | null;
) {
let recurrenceRule: string | undefined = undefined;
@ -234,7 +235,17 @@ async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
endTime: true,
location: true,
description: true,
user: true,
user: {
select: {
email: true,
name: true,
timeZone: true,
locale: true,
username: true,
timeFormat: true,
hideBranding: true,
metadata: true,
uid: true,
customInputs: true,

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function useRouterHelpers() {
const pathname = usePathname();
const goto = (newSearchParams: Record<string, string>) => {
const newQuery = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
const newQuery = new URLSearchParams(searchParams ?? undefined);
Object.keys(newSearchParams).forEach((key) => {
newQuery.set(key, newSearchParams[key]);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function useRouterHelpers() {
const removeQueryParams = (queryParams: string[]) => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams ?? undefined);
queryParams.forEach((param) => {
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ const EmbedTypeCodeAndPreviewDialogContent = ({
const s = (href: string) => {
const _searchParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
const _searchParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams ?? undefined);
const [a, b] = href.split("=");
_searchParams.set(a, b);
return `${pathname?.split("?")[0] ?? ""}?${_searchParams.toString()}`;

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ export default function CreateEventTypeDialog({
membershipRole: MembershipRole | null | undefined;
}) {
const utils = trpc.useContext();
const { t } = useLocale();
const router = useRouter();
const [firstRender, setFirstRender] = useState(true);
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ export default function CreateEventTypeDialog({
const createMutation = trpc.viewer.eventTypes.create.useMutation({
onSuccess: async ({ eventType }) => {
await utils.viewer.eventTypes.getByViewer.invalidate();
await router.replace(`/event-types/${}`);
t("event_type_created_successfully", {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ const publicEventSelect = Prisma.validator<Prisma.EventTypeSelect>()({
customInputs: true,
disableGuests: true,
metadata: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
recurringEvent: true,

View File

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ export function AvailabilitySliderTable() {
<div className="relative">
onRowMouseclick={(row) => {

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ export async function listBookings(
} else {
where.eventType = {
OR: [{ teamId: }, { parent: { teamId: } }],

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export type WebhookDataType = CalendarEvent &
bookingId?: number;
status?: string;
smsReminderNumber?: string;
rescheduleId?: number;
rescheduleUid?: string;
rescheduleStartTime?: string;
rescheduleEndTime?: string;

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ const commons = {
recurringEvent: null,
destinationCalendar: null,
team: null,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: false,
requiresConfirmation: false,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: false,
bookingLimits: null,

View File

@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ import { getLocationGroupedOptions } from "@calcom/app-store/server";
import type { StripeData } from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/server";
import { getEventTypeAppData } from "@calcom/app-store/utils";
import type { LocationObject } from "@calcom/core/location";
import { getOrgFullOrigin } from "@calcom/ee/organizations/lib/orgDomains";
import { getBookingFieldsWithSystemFields } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getBookingFields";
import { parseBookingLimit, parseDurationLimit, parseRecurringEvent } from "@calcom/lib";
import { CAL_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import { getUserAvatarUrl } from "@calcom/lib/getAvatarUrl";
import { getTranslation } from "@calcom/lib/server/i18n";
import type { PrismaClient } from "@calcom/prisma";
import type { Credential } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ export default async function getEventTypeById({
username: true,
id: true,
email: true,
organizationId: true,
locale: true,
defaultScheduleId: true,
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ export default async function getEventTypeById({
periodStartDate: true,
periodEndDate: true,
periodCountCalendarDays: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
recurringEvent: true,
@ -298,9 +299,7 @@ export default async function getEventTypeById({
const eventTypeUsers: ((typeof eventType.users)[number] & { avatar: string })[] =
(user) => ({
avatar: `${ ? getOrgFullOrigin( : CAL_URL}/${
avatar: getUserAvatarUrl(user),
@ -346,11 +345,7 @@ export default async function getEventTypeById({
.map((member) => {
const user: typeof member.user & { avatar: string } = {
avatar: `${
? getOrgFullOrigin(
avatar: getUserAvatarUrl(member.user),
return {

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ import type { AppCategories, Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
import appStore from "@calcom/app-store";
import type { EventTypeAppsList } from "@calcom/app-store/utils";
import type { EventTypeModel } from "@calcom/prisma/zod";
import type { CompleteEventType } from "@calcom/prisma/zod";
import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar";
import type { IAbstractPaymentService, PaymentApp } from "@calcom/types/PaymentService";
const handlePayment = async (
evt: CalendarEvent,
selectedEventType: Pick<Zod.infer<typeof EventTypeModel>, "metadata" | "title">,
selectedEventType: Pick<CompleteEventType, "metadata" | "title">,
paymentAppCredentials: {
key: Prisma.JsonValue;
appId: EventTypeAppsList;

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ export const buildEventType = (eventType?: Partial<EventType>): EventType => {
periodDays: null,
periodCountCalendarDays: null,
recurringEvent: null,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: false,
requiresConfirmation: false,
disableGuests: false,
hideCalendarNotes: false,

View File

@ -6,9 +6,16 @@ import { bookingReferenceMiddleware } from "./middleware";
const prismaOptions: Prisma.PrismaClientOptions = {};
const globalForPrisma = global as unknown as {
prismaWithoutClientExtensions: PrismaClientWithoutExtension;
prismaWithClientExtensions: PrismaClientWithExtensions;
if (!!process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEBUG) prismaOptions.log = ["query", "error", "warn"];
const prismaWithoutClientExtensions = new PrismaClientWithoutExtension(prismaOptions);
// Prevents flooding with idle connections
const prismaWithoutClientExtensions =
globalForPrisma.prismaWithoutClientExtensions || new PrismaClientWithoutExtension(prismaOptions);
export const customPrisma = (options?: Prisma.PrismaClientOptions) =>
new PrismaClientWithoutExtension({ ...prismaOptions, ...options }).$extends(withAccelerate());
@ -50,16 +57,15 @@ const prismaWithClientExtensions = prismaWithoutClientExtensions
// },
// })
// const prismaWithClientExtensions = prismaWithoutClientExtensions;
export const prisma =
((globalThis as any).prisma as typeof prismaWithClientExtensions) || prismaWithClientExtensions;
export const prisma = globalForPrisma.prismaWithClientExtensions || prismaWithClientExtensions;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
(globalThis as any).prisma = prisma;
globalForPrisma.prismaWithoutClientExtensions = prismaWithoutClientExtensions;
globalForPrisma.prismaWithClientExtensions = prisma;
export type PrismaClient = typeof prismaWithClientExtensions;
type PrismaClientWithExtensions = typeof prismaWithClientExtensions;
export type PrismaClient = PrismaClientWithExtensions;
export default prisma;
export * from "./selects";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-- AlterTable
ALTER TABLE "EventType" ADD COLUMN "lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage" BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-- CreateIndex
CREATE INDEX "Booking_startTime_endTime_status_idx" ON "Booking"("startTime", "endTime", "status");

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ model EventType {
periodEndDate DateTime?
periodDays Int?
periodCountCalendarDays Boolean?
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage Boolean @default(false)
requiresConfirmation Boolean @default(false)
requiresBookerEmailVerification Boolean @default(false)
/// @zod.custom(imports.recurringEventType)
@ -423,6 +424,7 @@ model Booking {
@@index([startTime, endTime, status])
model Schedule {
@ -989,6 +991,7 @@ model TempOrgRedirect {
// 0 would mean it is non org
fromOrgId Int
type RedirectType
// It doesn't have any query params
toUrl String
enabled Boolean @default(true)
createdAt DateTime @default(now())

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export const baseEventTypeSelect = Prisma.validator<Prisma.EventTypeSelect>()({
hidden: true,
price: true,
currency: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ export const bookEventTypeSelect = Prisma.validator<Prisma.EventTypeSelect>()({
periodStartDate: true,
periodEndDate: true,
recurringEvent: true,
lockTimeZoneToggleOnBookingPage: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
requiresBookerEmailVerification: true,
metadata: true,

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const userSelect = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserSelect>()({
id: true,
username: true,
name: true,
organizationId: true,
const userEventTypeSelect = Prisma.validator<Prisma.EventTypeSelect>()({

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { isOrganisationAdmin } from "@calcom/lib/server/queries/organisations";
import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { teamMetadataSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
@ -11,42 +10,12 @@ type ListOptions = {
export const listHandler = async ({ ctx }: ListOptions) => {
if (ctx.user?.organization?.id) {
const membershipsWithoutParent = await prisma.membership.findMany({
where: {
team: {
parent: {
is: {
id: ctx.user?.organization?.id,
include: {
team: {
include: {
inviteTokens: true,
orderBy: { role: "desc" },
const isOrgAdmin = !!(await isOrganisationAdmin(,; // Org id exists here as we're inside a conditional TS complaining for some reason
return{ team: { inviteTokens, ..._team }, ...membership }) => ({
role: membership.role,
accepted: membership.accepted,
/** To prevent breaking we only return non-email attached token here, if we have one */
inviteToken: inviteTokens.find((token) => token.identifier === `invite-link-for-teamId-${}`),
const memberships = await prisma.membership.findMany({
where: {
// Show all the teams this user belongs to regardless of the team being part of the user's org or not
// We don't want to restrict in the listing here. If we need to restrict a situation where a user is part of the org along with being part of a non-org team, we should do that instead of filtering out from here
// This became necessary when we started migrating user to Org, without migrating some teams of the user to the org
// Also, we would allow a user to be part of multiple orgs, then also it would be necessary.
include: {

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export function DataTableToolbar<TData>({
const isFiltered = table.getState().columnFilters.length > 0;
return (
<div className="bg-default sticky top-[3rem] z-10 flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 py-[2.15rem] md:top-0">
<div className="bg-default sticky top-[3rem] z-10 flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 py-4 md:top-0">
{searchKey && (
className="max-w-64 mb-0 mr-auto rounded-md"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
import { defineWorkspace } from "vitest/config";
const packagedEmbedTestsOnly = process.argv.includes("--packaged-embed-tests-only");
const timeZoneDependentTestsOnly = process.argv.includes("--timeZoneDependentTestsOnly");
// eslint-disable-next-line turbo/no-undeclared-env-vars
const envTZ = process.env.TZ;
if (timeZoneDependentTestsOnly && !envTZ) {
throw new Error("TZ environment variable is not set");
// defineWorkspace provides a nice type hinting DX
const workspaces = packagedEmbedTestsOnly
? [
@ -11,6 +18,19 @@ const workspaces = packagedEmbedTestsOnly
: // It doesn't seem to be possible to fake timezone per test, so we rerun the entire suite with different TZ. See
? [
test: {
name: `TimezoneDependentTests:${envTZ}`,
include: ["packages/**/*.timezone.test.ts", "apps/**/*.timezone.test.ts"],
// TODO: Ignore the api until tests are fixed
exclude: ["**/node_modules/**/*", "packages/embeds/**/*"],
setupFiles: ["setupVitest.ts"],
: [
test: {
@ -20,6 +40,7 @@ const workspaces = packagedEmbedTestsOnly
setupFiles: ["setupVitest.ts"],
test: {
name: "@calcom/closecom",

View File

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