Adds failsafe for calendar credentials without externaId set

zomars 2022-06-08 12:23:48 -06:00
parent 205c774ca3
commit ac3a4bcaab
1 changed files with 26 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -368,20 +368,34 @@ export default class EventManager {
booking: PartialBooking
): Promise<Array<EventResult>> {
return async.mapLimit(this.calendarCredentials, 5, async (credential: Credential) => {
// HACK:
// Right now if two calendars are connected and a booking is created it has two bookingReferences, one is having uid null and the other is having valid uid.
// I don't know why yet - But we should work on fixing that. But even after the fix as there can be multiple references in an existing booking the following ref.uid check would still be required
// We should ignore the one with uid null, the other one is valid.
// Also, we should store(if not already) that which is the calendarCredential for the valid bookingReference, instead of going through all credentials one by one
const bookingRefUid = booking
? booking.references.filter((ref) => ref.type === credential.type && !!ref.uid)[0]?.uid
: null;
try {
// HACK:
// Right now if two calendars are connected and a booking is created it has two bookingReferences, one is having uid null and the other is having valid uid.
// I don't know why yet - But we should work on fixing that. But even after the fix as there can be multiple references in an existing booking the following ref.uid check would still be required
// We should ignore the one with uid null, the other one is valid.
// Also, we should store(if not already) that which is the calendarCredential for the valid bookingReference, instead of going through all credentials one by one
const [bookingRef] = booking.references
? booking.references.filter((ref) => ref.type === credential.type && !!ref.uid)
: [];
const bookingExternalCalendarId = booking.references
? booking.references.filter((ref) => ref.type === credential.type)[0].externalCalendarId
: null;
if (!bookingRef) throw new Error("bookingRef");
return updateEvent(credential, event, bookingRefUid, bookingExternalCalendarId!);
const { uid: bookingRefUid, externalCalendarId: bookingExternalCalendarId } = bookingRef;
if (!bookingExternalCalendarId) throw new Error("externalCalendarId");
return updateEvent(credential, event, bookingRefUid, bookingExternalCalendarId);
} catch (error) {
let message = `Tried to 'updateAllCalendarEvents' but there was no '{thing}' for '${credential.type}', userId: '${credential.userId}', bookingId: '${}'`;
if (error instanceof Error) message = message.replace("{thing}", error.message);
return Promise.resolve({
type: credential.type,
success: false,
uid: "",
originalEvent: event,