"rejected_event_type_with_organizer":"Rejected: {{eventType}} with {{organizer}} on {{date}}",
"join_team":"Join team",
"request_another_invitation_email":"If you prefer not to use {{toEmail}} as your Cal.com email or already have a Cal.com account, please request another invitation to that email.",
"you_have_been_invited":"You have been invited to join the team {{teamName}}",
"user_invited_you":"{{user}} invited you to join the team {{teamName}}",
"link_expires":"p.s. It expires in {{expiresIn}} hours.",
"use_link_to_reset_password":"Use the link below to reset your password",
"hey_there":"Hey there,",
"forgot_your_password_calcom":"Forgot your password? - Cal.com",
"delete_webhook_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete this webhook? You will no longer receive Cal.com meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or canceled.",
"check_email_reset_password":"Check your email. We sent you a link to reset your password.",
"few_sentences_about_yourself":"A few sentences about yourself. This will appear on your personal url page.",
"nearly_there":"Nearly there",
"nearly_there_instructions":"Last thing, a brief description about you and a photo really help you get bookings and let people know who they’re booking with.",
"set_availability_instructions":"Define ranges of time when you are available on a recurring basis. You can create more of these later and assign them to different calendars.",
"set_availability":"Set your availability",
"continue_without_calendar":"Continue without calendar",
"connect_your_calendar":"Connect your calendar",
"connect_your_calendar_instructions":"Connect your calendar to automatically check for busy times and new events as they’re scheduled.",
"set_up_later":"Set up later",
"current_time":"Current time",
"welcome_to_calcom":"Welcome to Cal.com",
"welcome_instructions":"Tell us what to call you and let us know what timezone you’re in. You’ll be able to edit this later.",
"connect_caldav":"Connect to CalDav Server",
"credentials_stored_and_encrypted":"Your credentials will be stored and encrypted.",
"try_for_free":"Try it for free",
"create_booking_link_with_calcom":"Create your own booking link with Cal.com",
"add_to_calendar":"Add to calendar",
"emailed_you_and_attendees":"We emailed you and the other attendees a calendar invitation with all the details.",
"needs_to_be_confirmed_or_rejected":"Your booking still needs to be confirmed or rejected.",
"user_needs_to_confirm_or_reject_booking":"{{user}} still needs to confirm or reject the booking.",
"meeting_is_scheduled":"This meeting is scheduled",
"booking_submitted":"Booking Submitted",
"booking_confirmed":"Booking Confirmed",
"enter_new_password":"Enter the new password you'd like for your account.",
"reset_password":"Reset Password",
"change_your_password":"Change your password",
"try_again":"Try Again",
"request_is_expired":"That Request is Expired.",
"reset_instructions":"Enter the email address associated with your account and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
"request_is_expired_instructions":"That request is expired. Go back and enter the email associated with your account and we will send you another link to reset your password.",
"create_new_webhook_to_account":"Create a new webhook to your account",
"new_webhook":"New Webhook",
"receive_cal_meeting_data":"Receive Cal meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or cancelled.",
"responsive_fullscreen_iframe":"Responsive full screen iframe",
"standard_iframe":"Standard iframe",
"iframe_embed":"iframe Embed",
"embed_calcom":"The easiest way to embed Cal.com on your website.",
"integrate_using_embed_or_webhooks":"Integrate with your website using our embed options, or get real-time booking information using custom webhooks.",
"schedule_a_meeting":"Schedule a meeting",
"view_and_manage_billing_details":"View and manage your billing details",
"view_and_edit_billing_details":"View and edit your billing details, as well as cancel your subscription.",
"go_to_billing_portal":"Go to the billing portal",
"need_anything_else":"Need anything else?",
"further_billing_help":"If you need any further help with billing, our support team are here to help.",
"contact_our_support_team":"Contact our support team",
"disable_cal_branding_description":"Hide all Cal.com branding from your public pages.",
"danger_zone":"Danger Zone",
"disband_team":"Disband Team",
"disband_team_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to disband this team? Anyone who you've shared this team link with will no longer be able to book using it.",
"remove_member_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to remove this member from the team?",
"confirm_disband_team":"Yes, disband team",
"confirm_remove_member":"Yes, remove member",
"remove_member":"Remove member",
"manage_your_team":"Manage your team",
"open_options":"Open options",
"copy_link":"Copy link to event",
"link_copied":"Link copied!",
"quick_video_meeting":"A quick video meeting.",
"scheduling_type":"Scheduling Type",
"preview_team":"Preview team",
"collective_description":"Schedule meetings when all selected team members are available.",
"round_robin_description":"Cycle meetings between multiple team members.",
"plan_upgrade":"You need to upgrade your plan to have more than one active event type.",
"plan_upgrade_instructions":"To upgrade, go to <a href=\"https://cal.com/upgrade\" className=\"underline\">https://cal.com/upgrade</a>",
"event_types_page_title":"Event Types",
"event_types_page_subtitle":"Create events to share for people to book on your calendar.",
"new_event_type_btn":"New event type",
"new_event_type_heading":"Create your first event type",
"new_event_type_description":"Event types enable you to share links that show available times on your calendar and allow people to make bookings with you.",
"new_event_title":"Add a new event type",
"new_event_subtitle":"Create an event type under your name or a team.",
"new_team_event":"Add a new team event type",
"new_event_description":"Create a new event type for people to book times with.",
"delete_event_type_description":"Are you sure you want to delete this event type? Anyone who you've shared this link with will no longer be able to book using it.",