1. Go to [Your Teams Settings](https://app.cal.com/settings/teams) and select the team you wish to edit.
2. Located under your teams subscription will be a box that says 'Upload a logo', press this box.
3. Press 'choose a file' and locate a file from your machine you wish to use as your team logo.
4. Once complete make sure you press 'save' at the bottom of the page.
## How do I manage team members?
1. Go to [Your Teams Settings](https://app.cal.com/settings/teams) and select the team you wish to edit.
2. Located at the bottom of your page is your team members, from here you can choose to add or remove team members and even change their role which could be Member, Admin or Owner.
## How do I delete my team I created?
1. Go to [Your Teams Settings](https://app.cal.com/settings/teams).
2. From here you will be able to see a list of teams you have created or apart of, located to the right of the team you wish to delete you can find three dots (...)
3. Press the 3 dots (...) then 'Disband Team'
4. This will brin gup a prompt confirming if you wish to disband your team, if your are sure you can press the button labeled 'Yes, disband team'