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import { describe, it, vi, expect } from "vitest";
import { isOrganisationAdmin } from "@calcom/lib/server/queries/organisations";
import { checkInputEmailIsValid, checkPermissions, getEmailsToInvite, getIsOrgVerified, getOrgConnectionInfo, throwIfInviteIsToOrgAndUserExists } from "./utils";
import { MembershipRole } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import { isTeamAdmin } from "@calcom/lib/server/queries";
import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server";
import type { TeamWithParent } from "./types";
import type { User } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
vi.mock("@calcom/lib/server/queries", () => {
return {
isTeamAdmin: vi.fn(),
vi.mock("@calcom/lib/server/queries/organisations", () => {
return {
isOrganisationAdmin: vi.fn(),
const mockedReturnSuccessCheckPerms = { accepted: true, disableImpersonation: false, id: 1, role: MembershipRole.ADMIN, userId: 1, teamId: 1 }
const mockedTeam: TeamWithParent = {
id: 1,
name: "Team A",
slug: null,
logo: null,
appLogo: null,
appIconLogo: null,
bio: null,
hideBranding: false,
hideBookATeamMember: false,
createdAt: new Date(),
brandColor: "#292929",
darkBrandColor: "#fafafa",
timeZone: "Europe/London",
weekStart: "Sunday",
theme: null,
timeFormat: null,
metadata: null,
parentId: null,
parent: null
const mockUser: User = {
id: 4,
username: 'pro',
name: 'Pro Example',
email: '',
emailVerified: new Date(),
password: '',
bio: null,
avatar: null,
timeZone: 'Europe/London',
weekStart: 'Sunday',
startTime: 0,
endTime: 1440,
bufferTime: 0,
hideBranding: false,
theme: null,
createdDate: new Date(),
trialEndsAt: null,
defaultScheduleId: null,
completedOnboarding: true,
locale: 'en',
timeFormat: 12,
twoFactorSecret: null,
twoFactorEnabled: false,
identityProvider: 'CAL',
identityProviderId: null,
invitedTo: null,
brandColor: '#292929',
darkBrandColor: '#fafafa',
away: false,
allowDynamicBooking: true,
metadata: null,
verified: false,
role: 'USER',
disableImpersonation: false,
organizationId: null
describe("Invite Member Utils", () => {
describe("checkPermissions", () => {
it("It should throw an error if the user is not an admin of the ORG", async () => {
await expect(checkPermissions({ userId: 1, teamId: 1, isOrg: true })).rejects.toThrow();
it("It should NOT throw an error if the user is an admin of the ORG", async () => {
await expect(checkPermissions({ userId: 1, teamId: 1, isOrg: true })).resolves.not.toThrow();
it("It should throw an error if the user is not an admin of the team", async () => {
await expect(checkPermissions({ userId: 1, teamId: 1 })).rejects.toThrow();
it("It should NOT throw an error if the user is an admin of a team", async () => {
await expect(checkPermissions({ userId: 1, teamId: 1 })).resolves.not.toThrow();
describe('getEmailsToInvite', () => {
it('should throw a TRPCError with code BAD_REQUEST if no emails are provided', async () => {
await expect(getEmailsToInvite([])).rejects.toThrow(TRPCError);
it('should return an array with one email if a string is provided', async () => {
const result = await getEmailsToInvite('');
it('should return an array with multiple emails if an array is provided', async () => {
const result = await getEmailsToInvite(['', '']);
expect(result).toEqual(['', '']);
describe('checkInputEmailIsValid', () => {
it('should throw a TRPCError with code BAD_REQUEST if the email is invalid', () => {
const invalidEmail = 'invalid-email';
expect(() => checkInputEmailIsValid(invalidEmail)).toThrow(TRPCError);
expect(() => checkInputEmailIsValid(invalidEmail)).toThrowError(
'Invite failed because invalid-email is not a valid email address'
it('should not throw an error if the email is valid', () => {
const validEmail = '';
expect(() => checkInputEmailIsValid(validEmail)).not.toThrow();
describe("getOrgConnectionInfo", () => {
const orgAutoAcceptDomain = "";
const usersEmail = "";
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as true if team has parent and usersEmail domain matches orgAutoAcceptDomain and orgVerified is true", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
orgVerified: true,
team: {
parentId: 2,
isOrg: false,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId: 2, autoAccept: true });
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as false if team has parent and usersEmail domain does not match orgAutoAcceptDomain", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
usersEmail: "",
team: {
parentId: 2,
isOrg: false,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId: undefined, autoAccept: false });
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as false if team has parent and usersEmail domain matches orgAutoAcceptDomain but orgVerified is false", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
orgVerified: false,
team: { ...mockedTeam },
isOrg: false,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId: undefined, autoAccept: false });
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as true if team has no parent and isOrg is true and usersEmail domain matches orgAutoAcceptDomain and orgVerified is true", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
orgVerified: true,
team: { ...mockedTeam, parentId: null },
isOrg: true,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId: 1, autoAccept: true });
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as false if team has no parent and isOrg is true and usersEmail domain does not match orgAutoAcceptDomain", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
usersEmail: "",
team: { ...mockedTeam, parentId: null },
isOrg: true,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId: undefined, autoAccept: false });
it("should return orgId and autoAccept as false if team has no parent and isOrg is true and usersEmail domain matches orgAutoAcceptDomain but orgVerified is false", () => {
const result = getOrgConnectionInfo({
orgVerified: false,
team: { ...mockedTeam, parentId: null },
isOrg: true,
expect(result).toEqual({ orgId:, autoAccept: false });
describe("getIsOrgVerified", () => {
it("should return the correct values when isOrg is true and teamMetadata.orgAutoAcceptEmail is true", () => {
const team = {
metadata: {
isOrganizationVerified: true,
orgAutoAcceptEmail: "",
parent: null,
const result = getIsOrgVerified(true, { ...mockedTeam, });
isInOrgScope: true,
orgVerified: true,
autoAcceptEmailDomain: "",
it("should return the correct values when orgMetadataIfExists.orgAutoAcceptEmail is true", () => {
const team = {
metadata: {},
parent: {
metadata: {
isOrganizationVerified: false,
orgAutoAcceptEmail: "",
const result = getIsOrgVerified(false, { ...mockedTeam, });
isInOrgScope: true,
orgVerified: false,
autoAcceptEmailDomain: "",
it("should return the correct values when neither isOrg nor orgMetadataIfExists.orgAutoAcceptEmail is true", () => {
const team = {
metadata: {},
parent: null,
const result = getIsOrgVerified(false, { ...mockedTeam, });
isInOrgScope: false,
describe("throwIfInviteIsToOrgAndUserExists", () => {
const invitee: User = {
id: 1,
username: "testuser",
email: "",
organizationId: null,
const isOrg = false;
it("should throw a TRPCError with code FORBIDDEN if the invitee is already a member of another organization", () => {
const inviteeWithOrg: User = {
organizationId: 2,
const teamWithOrg = {
parentId: 2,
expect(() =>
throwIfInviteIsToOrgAndUserExists(inviteeWithOrg, teamWithOrg, isOrg)
it("should throw a TRPCError with code FORBIDDEN if the invitee already exists in and is being invited to an organization", () => {
const isOrg = true;
expect(() =>
throwIfInviteIsToOrgAndUserExists(invitee, mockedTeam, isOrg)
it("should not throw an error if the invitee does not already belong to another organization and is not being invited to an organization", () => {
expect(() =>
throwIfInviteIsToOrgAndUserExists(invitee, mockedTeam, isOrg)