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feat: event settings booker layout toggle (#9082) * WIP for adding booker layout toggle in event settings pages * Prevent form error from getting form stuck in loading state * Fixed types for bookerlayouts settings and preselect correct layout in booker * Added defaultlayout settings to profile too, and use that in booker plus as default for events. * Made layout settings responsive * Added feature toggle for new layout settings * Fixed user builder for tests by adding defaultlyotu * Show toggles on booker for layout switch based on selected layouts. Also added a small fix for the settings toggles to preselect the correct toggle for defaultlayout when user profile settings are used. * Used zod parse to fix type errors. * Fix unit test * Set selected date to today in datepicker when week or column view is default layout. It uses that date to show in the title bar. * Moved booker layout settings to event and user meta data instead of new db column. * Converted booker layout strings into an enum. * Renamed booker layouts feature flag and deleted unused v2 booker feature flag. * Update packages/trpc/server/routers/viewer/eventTypes/update.handler.ts Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * Fix import * Fix lint warnings in EventTypeSingleLayout * Fixed bug where when selected date was passed via query param page booking form wouldn't automatically show up. It would still serve you the date selection. This should fix e2e tests. * Fixed layout header. * Enabled booking layout toggle feature flag. --------- Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <> Co-authored-by: Alex van Andel <>
2023-06-06 15:31:43 +00:00
import * as RadioGroup from "@radix-ui/react-radio-group";
import { Trans } from "next-i18next";
import Link from "next/link";
import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import { Controller, useFormContext } from "react-hook-form";
import { useFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/context/provider";
import { classNames } from "@calcom/lib";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import { BookerLayouts } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
import { bookerLayoutOptions, type BookerLayoutSettings } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
import useMeQuery from "@calcom/trpc/react/hooks/useMeQuery";
import { Label, Checkbox, Button } from "@calcom/ui";
type BookerLayoutSelectorProps = {
title?: string;
description?: string;
name?: string;
* If this boolean is set, it will show the user settings if the event does not have any settings (is null).
* In that case it also will NOT register itself in the form, so that way when submitting the form, the
* values won't be overridden. Because as long as the event's value is null, it will fallback to the user's
* settings.
fallbackToUserSettings?: boolean;
const defaultFieldName = "metadata.bookerLayouts";
export const BookerLayoutSelector = ({
}: BookerLayoutSelectorProps) => {
const { control, getValues } = useFormContext();
const { t } = useLocale();
// Only fallback if event current does not have any settings, and the fallbackToUserSettings boolean is set.
const shouldShowUserSettings = (fallbackToUserSettings && !getValues(name || defaultFieldName)) || false;
const flags = useFlagMap();
if (flags["booker-layouts"] !== true) return null;
return (
<Label className="mb-0">{title ? title : t("bookerlayout_title")}</Label>
<p className="text-subtle max-w-[280px] break-words py-1 text-sm sm:max-w-[500px]">
{description ? description : t("bookerlayout_description")}
// If the event does not have any settings, we don't want to register this field in the form.
// That way the settings won't get saved into the event on save, but remain null. Thus keep using
// the global user's settings.
control={shouldShowUserSettings ? undefined : control}
name={name || defaultFieldName}
render={({ field: { value, onChange } }) => (
type BookerLayoutFieldsProps = {
settings: BookerLayoutSettings;
onChange: (settings: BookerLayoutSettings) => void;
showUserSettings: boolean;
type BookerLayoutState = { [key in BookerLayouts]: boolean };
const BookerLayoutFields = ({ settings, onChange, showUserSettings }: BookerLayoutFieldsProps) => {
const { t } = useLocale();
const { isLoading: isUserLoading, data: user } = useMeQuery();
const [isOverridingSettings, setIsOverridingSettings] = useState(false);
const disableFields = showUserSettings && !isOverridingSettings;
const shownSettings = disableFields ? user?.defaultBookerLayouts : settings;
const defaultLayout = shownSettings?.defaultLayout || BookerLayouts.MONTH_VIEW;
// Converts the settings array into a boolean object, which can be used as form values.
const toggleValues: BookerLayoutState = bookerLayoutOptions.reduce((layouts, layout) => {
layouts[layout] = !shownSettings?.enabledLayouts
? true
: shownSettings.enabledLayouts.indexOf(layout) > -1;
return layouts;
}, {} as BookerLayoutState);
const onLayoutToggleChange = useCallback(
(changedLayout: BookerLayouts, checked: boolean) => {
enabledLayouts: Object.keys(toggleValues).filter((layout) => {
if (changedLayout === layout) return checked === true;
return toggleValues[layout as BookerLayouts] === true;
}) as BookerLayouts[],
[defaultLayout, onChange, toggleValues]
const onDefaultLayoutChange = useCallback(
(newDefaultLayout: BookerLayouts) => {
enabledLayouts: Object.keys(toggleValues).filter(
(layout) => toggleValues[layout as BookerLayouts] === true
) as BookerLayouts[],
defaultLayout: newDefaultLayout,
[toggleValues, onChange]
const onOverrideSettings = () => {
// Sent default layout settings to form, otherwise it would still have 'null' as it's value.
if (user?.defaultBookerLayouts) onChange(user.defaultBookerLayouts);
return (
<div className="my-4 space-y-5">
"flex flex-col gap-5 transition-opacity sm:flex-row sm:gap-3",
disableFields && "pointer-events-none opacity-40",
disableFields && isUserLoading && "animate-pulse"
{ => (
<div className="w-full" key={layout}>
className="mb-3 w-full max-w-none cursor-pointer"
alt="Layout preview"
onChange={(ev) => onLayoutToggleChange(layout,}
disableFields && "pointer-events-none opacity-40",
disableFields && isUserLoading && "animate-pulse"
className="border-default flex w-full gap-2 rounded-md border p-1"
onValueChange={(layout: BookerLayouts) => onDefaultLayoutChange(layout)}>
{ => (
className="aria-checked:bg-emphasis hover:bg-subtle focus:bg-subtle w-full rounded-[4px] p-1 text-sm transition-colors"
<RadioGroup.Indicator />
{disableFields && (
<p className="text-sm">
<Trans i18nKey="bookerlayout_override_global_settings">
You can manage this for all your event types in{" "}
<Link href="/settings/my-account/appearance" className="underline">
settings / appearance
</Link>{" "}
or{" "}
className="p-0 font-normal underline hover:bg-transparent focus-visible:bg-transparent">
override for this event only