321 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { parseRecurringEvent } from "@calcom/lib";
import { bookingMinimalSelect } from "@calcom/prisma";
import type { Prisma, PrismaClient } from "@calcom/prisma/client";
import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import { EventTypeMetaDataSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
import type { TrpcSessionUser } from "../../../trpc";
import type { TGetInputSchema } from "./get.schema";
type GetOptions = {
ctx: {
user: NonNullable<TrpcSessionUser>;
prisma: PrismaClient;
input: TGetInputSchema;
export const getHandler = async ({ ctx, input }: GetOptions) => {
// using offset actually because cursor pagination requires a unique column
// for orderBy, but we don't use a unique column in our orderBy
const take = input.limit ?? 10;
const skip = input.cursor ?? 0;
const { prisma, user } = ctx;
const bookingListingByStatus = input.filters.status;
const bookingListingFilters: Record<typeof bookingListingByStatus, Prisma.BookingWhereInput> = {
upcoming: {
endTime: { gte: new Date() },
// These changes are needed to not show confirmed recurring events,
// as rescheduling or cancel for recurring event bookings should be
// handled separately for each occurrence
OR: [
recurringEventId: { not: null },
status: { equals: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED },
recurringEventId: { equals: null },
status: { notIn: [BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED] },
recurring: {
endTime: { gte: new Date() },
AND: [
{ NOT: { recurringEventId: { equals: null } } },
{ status: { notIn: [BookingStatus.CANCELLED, BookingStatus.REJECTED] } },
past: {
endTime: { lte: new Date() },
AND: [
{ NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } } },
{ NOT: { status: { equals: BookingStatus.REJECTED } } },
cancelled: {
OR: [{ status: { equals: BookingStatus.CANCELLED } }, { status: { equals: BookingStatus.REJECTED } }],
unconfirmed: {
endTime: { gte: new Date() },
status: { equals: BookingStatus.PENDING },
const bookingListingOrderby: Record<
typeof bookingListingByStatus,
> = {
upcoming: { startTime: "asc" },
recurring: { startTime: "asc" },
past: { startTime: "desc" },
cancelled: { startTime: "desc" },
unconfirmed: { startTime: "asc" },
// TODO: Fix record typing
const bookingWhereInputFilters: Record<string, Prisma.BookingWhereInput> = {
teamIds: {
AND: [
eventType: {
team: {
id: {
in: input.filters?.teamIds,
userIds: {
AND: [
eventType: {
users: {
some: {
id: {
in: input.filters?.userIds,
eventTypeIds: {
AND: [
eventTypeId: {
in: input.filters?.eventTypeIds,
const filtersCombined: Prisma.BookingWhereInput[] =
input.filters &&
Object.keys(input.filters).map((key) => {
return bookingWhereInputFilters[key];
const passedBookingsStatusFilter = bookingListingFilters[bookingListingByStatus];
const orderBy = bookingListingOrderby[bookingListingByStatus];
const [bookingsQuery, recurringInfoBasic, recurringInfoExtended] = await Promise.all([{
where: {
OR: [
attendees: {
some: {
eventType: {
team: {
members: {
some: {
role: {
in: ["ADMIN", "OWNER"],
seatsReferences: {
some: {
attendee: {
AND: [passedBookingsStatusFilter, ...(filtersCombined ?? [])],
select: {
uid: true,
recurringEventId: true,
location: true,
eventType: {
select: {
slug: true,
id: true,
eventName: true,
price: true,
recurringEvent: true,
currency: true,
metadata: true,
fix: seats regression [CAL-2041] ## What does this PR do? <!-- Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for this change. --> - Passes the proper seats data in the new booker component between states and to the backend Fixes #9779 Fixes #9749 Fixes #7967 Fixes #9942 <!-- Please provide a loom video for visual changes to speed up reviews Loom Video: --> ## Type of change <!-- Please delete bullets that are not relevant. --> - Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) ## How should this be tested? <!-- Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration --> **As the organizer** - Create a seated event type - Book at least 2 seats - Reschedule the booking - All attendees should be moved to the new booking - Cancel the booking - The event should be cancelled for all attendees **As an attendee** - [x] Book a seated event - [x] Reschedule that booking to an empty slot - [x] The attendee should be moved to that new slot - [x] Reschedule onto a booking with occupied seats - [x] The attendees should be merged - [x] On that slot reschedule all attendees to a new slot - [x] The former booking should be deleted - [x] As the attendee cancel the booking - [x] Only that attendee should be removed ## Mandatory Tasks - [x] Make sure you have self-reviewed the code. A decent size PR without self-review might be rejected. ## Checklist <!-- Please remove all the irrelevant bullets to your PR -->
2023-07-11 15:11:08 +00:00
seatsShowAttendees: true,
team: {
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
status: true,
paid: true,
payment: {
select: {
paymentOption: true,
amount: true,
currency: true,
success: true,
user: {
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
email: true,
rescheduled: true,
references: true,
isRecorded: true,
seatsReferences: {
where: {
attendee: {
select: {
referenceUid: true,
attendee: {
select: {
email: true,
take: take + 1,
by: ["recurringEventId"],
_min: {
startTime: true,
_count: {
recurringEventId: true,
where: {
recurringEventId: {
not: { equals: null },
by: ["recurringEventId", "status", "startTime"],
_min: {
startTime: true,
where: {
recurringEventId: {
not: { equals: null },
const recurringInfo =
info: (typeof recurringInfoBasic)[number]
): {
recurringEventId: string | null;
count: number;
firstDate: Date | null;
bookings: {
[key: string]: Date[];
} => {
const bookings = recurringInfoExtended.reduce(
(prev, curr) => {
if (curr.recurringEventId === info.recurringEventId) {
return prev;
[key in BookingStatus]: Date[];
return {
recurringEventId: info.recurringEventId,
count: info._count.recurringEventId,
firstDate: info._min.startTime,
const bookings = => {
fix: seats regression [CAL-2041] ## What does this PR do? <!-- Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for this change. --> - Passes the proper seats data in the new booker component between states and to the backend Fixes #9779 Fixes #9749 Fixes #7967 Fixes #9942 <!-- Please provide a loom video for visual changes to speed up reviews Loom Video: --> ## Type of change <!-- Please delete bullets that are not relevant. --> - Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) ## How should this be tested? <!-- Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration --> **As the organizer** - Create a seated event type - Book at least 2 seats - Reschedule the booking - All attendees should be moved to the new booking - Cancel the booking - The event should be cancelled for all attendees **As an attendee** - [x] Book a seated event - [x] Reschedule that booking to an empty slot - [x] The attendee should be moved to that new slot - [x] Reschedule onto a booking with occupied seats - [x] The attendees should be merged - [x] On that slot reschedule all attendees to a new slot - [x] The former booking should be deleted - [x] As the attendee cancel the booking - [x] Only that attendee should be removed ## Mandatory Tasks - [x] Make sure you have self-reviewed the code. A decent size PR without self-review might be rejected. ## Checklist <!-- Please remove all the irrelevant bullets to your PR -->
2023-07-11 15:11:08 +00:00
// If seats are enabled and the event is not set to show attendees, filter out attendees that are not the current user
if (booking.seatsReferences.length && !booking.eventType?.seatsShowAttendees) {
booking.attendees = booking.attendees.filter((attendee) => ===;
return {,
eventType: {,
recurringEvent: parseRecurringEvent(booking.eventType?.recurringEvent),
price: booking.eventType?.price || 0,
currency: booking.eventType?.currency || "usd",
metadata: EventTypeMetaDataSchema.parse(booking.eventType?.metadata || {}),
startTime: booking.startTime.toISOString(),
endTime: booking.endTime.toISOString(),
const bookingsFetched = bookings.length;
let nextCursor: typeof skip | null = skip;
if (bookingsFetched > take) {
nextCursor += bookingsFetched;
} else {
nextCursor = null;
return {