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import { colorNameToHex, fallBackHex, isValidHexCode } from "./CustomBranding";
describe("Custom Branding tests", () => {
describe("fn: colorNameToHex", () => {
it("should return a hex color when a valid color name is provided", () => {
const cases = [
input: "red",
expected: "#ff0000",
input: "green",
expected: "#008000",
input: "salmon",
expected: "#fa8072",
input: "rebeccapurple",
expected: "#663399",
for (const { input, expected } of cases) {
const result = colorNameToHex(input);
it("should return false when an invalid color name is provided", () => {
const result = colorNameToHex("invalid");
describe("fn: isValidHexCode", () => {
it("should return true when a valid hex code is provided", () => {
const cases = [
input: "#ff0000",
expected: true,
input: "#00Ff00",
expected: true,
input: "#fA8072",
expected: true,
input: "#663",
expected: true,
input: "#fAb",
expected: true,
input: "#F00F00",
expected: true,
for (const { input, expected } of cases) {
const result = isValidHexCode(input);
if (!result) {
console.log("input", input);
it("should return false when an invalid hex code is provided", () => {
const cases = [
input: "#ff000",
expected: false,
input: "#F000G0",
expected: false,
input: "#00ff00a",
expected: false,
input: "#fa8072aa",
expected: false,
input: "#663399aa",
expected: false,
for (const { input, expected } of cases) {
const result = isValidHexCode(input);
describe("fn: fallBackHex", () => {
it("should return a hex color when a valid color name is provided", () => {
const cases = [
input: "red",
expected: "#ff0000",
input: "green",
expected: "#008000",
input: "salmon",
expected: "#fa8072",
input: "rebeccapurple",
expected: "#663399",
for (const { input, expected } of cases) {
const result = colorNameToHex(input);
it("should return a brand color when there is no hex fallback", () => {
// BRAND_COLOR => "#292929"
// BRAND_TEXT_COLOR => "#ffffff"
// DARK_BRAND_COLOR => "#fafafa"
const inputs = ["reddit", null, "darkbruwn"];
for (const input of inputs) {
const resultLight = fallBackHex(input, false);
const resultDark = fallBackHex(input, true);