"event_declined_subject":"Declined: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"event_cancelled_subject":"Cancelled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"event_request_declined":"Your event request has been declined",
"event_request_cancelled":"Your scheduled event was cancelled",
"need_to_reschedule_or_cancel":"Need to reschedule or cancel?",
"cancellation_reason":"Reason for cancellation",
"cancellation_reason_placeholder":"Why are you cancelling? (optional)",
"rejection_reason":"Reason for rejecting",
"rejection_reason_title":"Reject the booking request?",
"rejection_reason_description":"Are you sure you want to reject the booking? We'll let the person who tried to book know. You can provide a reason below.",
"rejection_confirmation":"Reject the booking",
"manage_this_event":"Manage this event",
"your_event_has_been_scheduled":"Your event has been scheduled",
"accept_our_license":"Accept our license by changing the .env variable <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> to '{{agree}}'.",
"remove_banner_instructions":"To remove this banner, please open your .env file and change the <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> variable to '{{agree}}'.",
"new_event_scheduled":"A new event has been scheduled.",
"invitee_email":"Invitee Email",
"invitee_timezone":"Invitee Time Zone",
"event_type":"Event Type",
"enter_meeting":"Enter Meeting",
"video_call_provider":"Video call provider",
"meeting_id":"Meeting ID",
"meeting_password":"Meeting Password",
"meeting_url":"Meeting URL",
"meeting_request_rejected":"Your meeting request has been rejected",
"rescheduled_event_type_subject":"Rescheduled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"rejected_event_type_with_organizer":"Rejected: {{eventType}} with {{organizer}} on {{date}}",
"join_team":"Join team",
"manage_this_team":"Manage this team",
"team_info":"Team Info",
"request_another_invitation_email":"If you prefer not to use {{toEmail}} as your Cal.com email or already have a Cal.com account, please request another invitation to that email.",
"you_have_been_invited":"You have been invited to join the team {{teamName}}",
"user_invited_you":"{{user}} invited you to join the team {{team}} on Cal.com",
"hidden_team_member_title":"You are hidden in this team",
"hidden_team_member_message":"Your seat is not paid for, either upgrade to Pro or let the team owner know they can pay for your seat.",
"hidden_team_owner_message":"You need a pro account to use teams, you are hidden until you upgrade.",
"link_expires":"p.s. It expires in {{expiresIn}} hours.",
"team_upgrade_seats_details":"Of the {{memberCount}} members in your team, {{unpaidCount}} seat(s) are unpaid. At ${{seatPrice}}/month per seat the estimated total cost of your membership is ${{totalCost}}/month.",
"delete_webhook_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete this webhook? You will no longer receive Cal.com meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or canceled.",
"confirm_delete_webhook":"Yes, delete webhook",
"edit_webhook":"Edit Webhook",
"delete_webhook":"Delete Webhook",
"webhook_status":"Webhook Status",
"webhook_enabled":"Webhook Enabled",
"webhook_disabled":"Webhook Disabled",
"webhook_response":"Webhook response",
"webhook_test":"Webhook test",
"manage_your_webhook":"Manage your webhook",
"webhook_created_successfully":"Webhook created successfully!",
"check_email_reset_password":"Check your email. We sent you a link to reset your password.",
"few_sentences_about_yourself":"A few sentences about yourself. This will appear on your personal url page.",
"nearly_there":"Nearly there",
"nearly_there_instructions":"Last thing, a brief description about you and a photo really help you get bookings and let people know who they’re booking with.",
"set_availability_instructions":"Define ranges of time when you are available on a recurring basis. You can create more of these later and assign them to different calendars.",
"set_availability":"Set your availability",
"continue_without_calendar":"Continue without calendar",
"connect_your_calendar":"Connect your calendar",
"connect_your_calendar_instructions":"Connect your calendar to automatically check for busy times and new events as they’re scheduled.",
"set_up_later":"Set up later",
"current_time":"Current time",
"welcome_to_calcom":"Welcome to Cal.com",
"welcome_instructions":"Tell us what to call you and let us know what timezone you’re in. You’ll be able to edit this later.",
"connect_caldav":"Connect to CalDav Server",
"credentials_stored_and_encrypted":"Your credentials will be stored and encrypted.",
"try_for_free":"Try it for free",
"create_booking_link_with_calcom":"Create your own booking link with Cal.com",
"add_to_calendar":"Add to calendar",
"emailed_you_and_attendees":"We emailed you and the other attendees a calendar invitation with all the details.",
"emailed_you_and_any_other_attendees":"You and any other attendees have been emailed with this information.",
"needs_to_be_confirmed_or_rejected":"Your booking still needs to be confirmed or rejected.",
"user_needs_to_confirm_or_reject_booking":"{{user}} still needs to confirm or reject the booking.",
"meeting_is_scheduled":"This meeting is scheduled",
"submitted":"Your booking has been submitted",
"booking_submitted":"Your booking has been submitted",
"booking_confirmed":"Your booking has been confirmed",
"enter_new_password":"Enter the new password you'd like for your account.",
"reset_password":"Reset Password",
"change_your_password":"Change your password",
"try_again":"Try Again",
"request_is_expired":"That Request is Expired.",
"reset_instructions":"Enter the email address associated with your account and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
"request_is_expired_instructions":"That request is expired. Go back and enter the email associated with your account and we will send you another link to reset your password.",
"password_has_been_reset_login":"Your password has been reset. You can now login with your newly created password.",
"responsive_fullscreen_iframe":"Responsive full screen iframe",
"standard_iframe":"Standard iframe",
"iframe_embed":"iframe Embed",
"embed_calcom":"The easiest way to embed Cal.com on your website.",
"integrate_using_embed_or_webhooks":"Integrate with your website using our embed options, or get real-time booking information using custom webhooks.",
"schedule_a_meeting":"Schedule a meeting",
"view_and_manage_billing_details":"View and manage your billing details",
"view_and_edit_billing_details":"View and edit your billing details, as well as cancel your subscription.",
"go_to_billing_portal":"Go to the billing portal",
"need_anything_else":"Need anything else?",
"further_billing_help":"If you need any further help with billing, our support team are here to help.",
"contact_our_support_team":"Contact our support team",
"uh_oh":"Uh oh!",
"no_event_types_have_been_setup":"This user hasn't set up any event types yet.",
"edit_logo":"Edit logo",
"upload_a_logo":"Upload a logo",
"remove_logo":"Remove logo",
"code_is_incorrect":"Code is incorrect.",
"add_an_extra_layer_of_security":"Add an extra layer of security to your account in case your password is stolen.",
"disband_team_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to disband this team? Anyone who you've shared this team link with will no longer be able to book using it.",
"collective_description":"Schedule meetings when all selected team members are available.",
"round_robin":"Round Robin",
"round_robin_description":"Cycle meetings between multiple team members.",
"plan_description":"You're currently on the {{plan}} plan.",
"plan_upgrade_invitation":"Upgrade your account to the pro plan to unlock all of the features we have to offer.",
"plan_upgrade":"You need to upgrade your plan to have more than one active event type.",
"plan_upgrade_teams":"You need to upgrade your plan to create a team.",
"plan_upgrade_instructions":"You can <1>upgrade here</1>.",
"event_types_page_title":"Event Types",
"event_types_page_subtitle":"Create events to share for people to book on your calendar.",
"new_event_type_btn":"New event type",
"new_event_type_heading":"Create your first event type",
"new_event_type_description":"Event types enable you to share links that show available times on your calendar and allow people to make bookings with you.",
"new_event_title":"Add a new event type",
"new_event_subtitle":"Create an event type under your name or a team.",
"new_team_event":"Add a new team event type",
"new_event_description":"Create a new event type for people to book times with.",
"event_type_created_successfully":"{{eventTypeTitle}} event type created successfully",
"event_type_updated_successfully":"{{eventTypeTitle}} event type updated successfully",
"event_type_deleted_successfully":"Event type deleted successfully",
"changed_team_billing_info":"As of January 2022 we charge on a per-seat basis for team members. Members of your team who had PRO for free are now on a 14 day trial. Once their trial expires these members will be hidden from your team unless you upgrade now.",
"delete_event_type_description":"Are you sure you want to delete this event type? Anyone who you've shared this link with will no longer be able to book using it.",
"delete_account_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete your Cal.com account? Anyone who you've shared your account link with will no longer be able to book using it and any preferences you have saved will be lost.",
"delete_saml_configuration_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete the SAML configuration? Your team members who use SAML login will no longer be able to access Cal.com.",
"saml_email_required":"Please enter an email so we can find your SAML Identity Provider",
"you_will_need_to_generate":"You will need to generate an access token from your old scheduling tool.",
"import_from":"Import from",
"access_token":"Access token",
"verify_wallet":"Verify Wallet",
"connect_metamask":"Connect Metamask",
"create_events_on":"Create events on:",
"missing_license":"Missing License",
"signup_requires":"Commercial license required",
"signup_requires_description":"Cal.com, Inc. currently does not offer a free open source version of the sign up page. To receive full access to the signup components you need to acquire a commercial license. For personal use we recommend the Prisma Data Platform or any other Postgres interface to create accounts.",
"next_steps":"Next Steps",
"acquire_commercial_license":"Acquire a commercial license",
"the_infrastructure_plan":"The infrastructure plan is usage-based and has startup-friendly discounts.",
"prisma_studio_tip":"Create an account via Prisma Studio",
"prisma_studio_tip_description":"Learn how to set up your first user",
"new_schedule_heading":"Create an availability schedule",
"new_schedule_description":"Creating availability schedules allows you to manage availability across event types. They can be applied to one or more event types.",