539 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { test } from "./lib/fixtures";
test.describe.configure({ mode: "serial" });
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (de)", async () => {
locale: "de",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=de]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Willkommen zurück", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (ar)", async () => {
locale: "ar",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("أهلاً بك من جديد", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (zh)", async () => {
locale: "zh",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=zh]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("欢迎回来", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (zh-CN)", async () => {
locale: "zh-CN",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=zh-CN]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("欢迎回来", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (zh-TW)", async () => {
locale: "zh-TW",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=zh-TW]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("歡迎回來", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (pt)", async () => {
locale: "pt",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Olá novamente", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (pt-br)", async () => {
locale: "pt-BR",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-BR]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Bem-vindo(a) novamente", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("unauthorized user sees correct translations (es-419)", async () => {
locale: "es-419",
test("should use correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForLoadState("load");
// es-419 is disabled in i18n config, so es should be used as fallback
await page.locator("html[lang=es]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Bienvenido de nuevo", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Welcome back", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("authorized user sees correct translations (de)", async () => {
locale: "en",
test("should return correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page, users }) => {
await test.step("should create a de user", async () => {
const user = await users.create({
locale: "de",
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("should navigate to /event-types and show German translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/event-types");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=de]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Ereignistypen", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Event Types", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should navigate to /bookings and show German translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/bookings");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=de]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Buchungen", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should reload the /bookings and show German translations", async () => {
await page.reload();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=de]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Buchungen", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("authorized user sees correct translations (pt-br)", async () => {
locale: "en",
test("should return correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page, users }) => {
await test.step("should create a pt-br user", async () => {
const user = await users.create({
locale: "pt-br",
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("should navigate to /event-types and show Brazil-Portuguese translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/event-types");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-br]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Tipos de Eventos", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Event Types", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should navigate to /bookings and show Brazil-Portuguese translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/bookings");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-br]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Reservas", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should reload the /bookings and show Brazil-Portuguese translations", async () => {
await page.reload();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-br]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Reservas", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("authorized user sees correct translations (ar)", async () => {
locale: "en",
test("should return correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page, users }) => {
await test.step("should create a de user", async () => {
const user = await users.create({
locale: "ar",
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("should navigate to /event-types and show Arabic translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/event-types");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("أنواع الحدث", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Event Types", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should navigate to /bookings and show Arabic translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/bookings");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("عمليات الحجز", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should reload the /bookings and show Arabic translations", async () => {
await page.reload();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("عمليات الحجز", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Bookings", { exact: true });
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("authorized user sees changed translations (de->ar)", async () => {
locale: "en",
test("should return correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page, users }) => {
await test.step("should create a de user", async () => {
const user = await users.create({
locale: "de",
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("should change the language and show Arabic translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/settings/my-account/general");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator(".bg-default > div > div:nth-child(2)").first().click();
await page.locator("#react-select-2-option-0").click();
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Aktualisieren" }).click();
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert" })
.waitFor({ state: "visible" });
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("عام", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Allgemein", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should reload and show Arabic translations", async () => {
await page.reload();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=ar]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=rtl]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("عام", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Allgemein", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
test.describe("authorized user sees changed translations (de->pt-BR) [locale1]", async () => {
locale: "en",
test("should return correct translations and html attributes", async ({ page, users }) => {
await test.step("should create a de user", async () => {
const user = await users.create({
locale: "de",
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("should change the language and show Brazil-Portuguese translations", async () => {
await page.goto("/settings/my-account/general");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator(".bg-default > div > div:nth-child(2)").first().click();
await page.locator("#react-select-2-option-14").click();
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Aktualisieren" }).click();
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert" })
.waitFor({ state: "visible" });
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-BR]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Geral", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Allgemein", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);
await test.step("should reload and show Brazil-Portuguese translations", async () => {
await page.reload();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.locator("html[lang=pt-BR]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
await page.locator("html[dir=ltr]").waitFor({ state: "attached" });
const locator = page.getByText("Geral", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1);
const locator = page.getByText("Allgemein", { exact: true }); // "general"
expect(await locator.count()).toEqual(0);