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* This script can be used to seed the database with a lot of data for performance testing.
* TODO: Make it more structured and configurable from CLI
* Run it as `npx ts-node --transpile-only ./seed-performance-testing.ts`
import { uuid } from "short-uuid";
import dailyMeta from "@calcom/app-store/dailyvideo/_metadata";
import googleMeetMeta from "@calcom/app-store/googlevideo/_metadata";
import zoomMeta from "@calcom/app-store/zoomvideo/_metadata";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import { createUserAndEventType } from "./seed-utils";
async function createManyDifferentUsersWithDifferentEventTypesAndBookings({
startFrom = 0,
}: {
tillUser: number;
startFrom?: number;
}) {
for (let i = startFrom; i < tillUser; i++) {
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: `pro${i}`,
name: "Pro Example",
password: "1111",
username: `pro${i}`,
theme: "light",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
_bookings: [
uid: uuid(),
title: "30min",
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
uid: uuid(),
title: "30min",
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 60,
title: "Multiple duration",
slug: "multiple-duration",
length: 75,
metadata: {
multipleDuration: [30, 75, 90],
title: "paid",
slug: "paid",
length: 60,
price: 100,
title: "In person meeting",
slug: "in-person",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: "inPerson", address: "London" }],
title: "Zoom Event",
slug: "zoom",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: zoomMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
title: "Daily Event",
slug: "daily",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: dailyMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
title: "Google Meet",
slug: "google-meet",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: googleMeetMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
title: "Yoga class",
slug: "yoga-class",
length: 30,
recurringEvent: { freq: 2, count: 12, interval: 1 },
_bookings: [
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(1, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(1, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(2, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(3, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(3, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(4, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(4, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Yoga class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(5, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(5, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Seeded Yoga class",
description: "seeded",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Seeded Yoga class",
description: "seeded",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(1, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(1, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Seeded Yoga class",
description: "seeded",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(2, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Seeded Yoga class",
description: "seeded",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(3, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(3, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED,
title: "Tennis class",
slug: "tennis-class",
length: 60,
recurringEvent: { freq: 2, count: 10, interval: 2 },
requiresConfirmation: true,
_bookings: [
uid: uuid(),
title: "Tennis class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(60, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Tennis class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(2, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Tennis class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(4, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(4, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Tennis class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(8, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(8, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
uid: uuid(),
title: "Tennis class",
recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"),
startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(10, "week").toDate(),
endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(10, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(),
status: BookingStatus.PENDING,
async function createAUserWithManyBookings() {
const random = Math.random();
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: `pro-${random}`,
name: "Pro Example",
password: "1111",
username: `pro-${random}`,
theme: "light",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
_numBookings: 100,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 60,
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Multiple duration",
slug: "multiple-duration",
length: 75,
metadata: {
multipleDuration: [30, 75, 90],
_numBookings: 100,
title: "paid",
slug: "paid",
length: 60,
price: 100,
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Zoom Event",
slug: "zoom",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: zoomMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Daily Event",
slug: "daily",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: dailyMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Google Meet",
slug: "google-meet",
length: 60,
locations: [{ type: googleMeetMeta.appData?.location?.type }],
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Yoga class",
slug: "yoga-class",
length: 30,
_numBookings: 100,
title: "Tennis class",
slug: "tennis-class",
length: 60,
recurringEvent: { freq: 2, count: 10, interval: 2 },
requiresConfirmation: true,
_numBookings: 100,
// createManyDifferentUsersWithDifferentEventTypesAndBookings({
// tillUser: 20000,
// startFrom: 10000,
// });